RegalMU Online

WebSite: &
Grand open 18/08/2014
H:20:00 (GMT+2)

- Version: Season III Full
- Experience: 100-500x
- Item drop: 60%
- Monster HP: 80%
-BlessBug : Off
- Points per level: 5/7
- Maximum Points: 32767
- Reset cost: 20 000 000 Zen
- Reset: From the site and /reset in game
- Max level: 400
-PK Clear cost: 20,000,000 Zen for a murder and /clearpk in game
- Post(/post) cost: 5 000 000 Zen
- Level for reset :400
- Points per Reset Bonus: 100
- Maximum resets: 999
- Level for create Guild : 250
- Elf Buffer Max level: 300
Rates success:
- Jewel Of Soul success: 70%
- Jewel Of Soul success + Luck: 90%
- Jewel Of Life success: 80%
- Item +10 success: 80%
- Item +11 success: 70%
- Item +12 success: 65%
- Item +13 success: 60%
-Illusion of Tample 1-6
-Blood Castle 1-7
-Marry system
-Senior MIX for items 380
-Bonus Party Experience
-Tipsy Johnny Quest
-Lottery NPC
-Custom Event
-Working Cash Shop. Press X in game(Items and Seals for PCpoints)
-Balanced PVP System - all the Character in the game are now balanced
-AntiHack exist in GameServer and client work 100%
-New system pack jewel
-Full FIX All crashes!
-New jewels Jewel of Excelent,Jewel of Luck,Jewel of Mystical,Jewel of Level
-New automatic update trivia,scramble price 5PC Points per corect answer
-Happyhour event everyday
-Bc reward = Jewel of Luck
-Rumble invasion for Jewel of Excelent
-Jewel of Excelent drop in LOT
-Arena and Arena 2
-Exchange your play time in credtis
-Send gift to your friends(creditS)
-Market system buy/sell item for PCPoints or Credits

- Devil Square Event !
- Chaos Castle Event !
- Golden Dragon Event !
- Red Dragon Event !
- White Wizard Corps Event !
- (Balgass) Crywolf Event !
- (Nightmare)Kantru Maya Event !
- CAstel Siege Event Work !
- Mistycal soldier Event !
- Carnage Event !
- Ilusion Tample Event !
- Pet Event!
- Blood Castle Event !
- Red Dragon Invasion Event !
- Custom event!
- Erohim invaders,boss attack every 24 hour price item 380 excelent!
-Rumble invasion lorencia every 12 hours price JOE
-LOT drop ancient and JOE

/info -> Information about creator files
/online -> Show total in game players online
/post -> Global message(Cost 5.000.000Zen)
/str -> Add Points to Strength
/agi -> Add Points to Agility
/ene -> Add Points to Energy
/com -> Add Points to Command
/vit -> Add Points to Vitality
/admins -> admins on
/time -> time on server
/pet 1-5 -> Summon your Pet(Need Jewel of Chaos)
/marry [name] -> for marry with another charcater
/clearpk -> Clear murderer status
/reset ->Reset at level 400 in game
/pack -> Need 10 jewel sau !