Summer Work and Travel 2013 - Inscrieri Finale!

  1. #1
    Newcomer saregalucian's Avatar saregalucian reprezinta o cantitate neglijabila
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    Summer Work and Travel 2013 - Inscrieri Finale!

    Doresc sa va spun ca am fost cu acest program de mai multe ori in Statele Unite si pe langa banii pe care i-am facut a fost si o experienta extraordinara pe care consider ca orice student trebuie sa o aiba cel putin odata in viata.

    De asemenea stiu cum este atunci cand pleci prima oara si te gandesti, daca firma cu care vrei sa mergi este serioasa, de aceea prin propiile experiente fara griji doresc sa garantez calitatea firmei de intermediere. PROMOINTERNATIONAL.
    Pentru mai multe detalii contactati-ma. Nu ezita sa imi pui intrebari si despre experienta acolo.

    Pentru a putea lucra in acelasi loc cu prietenii cu care doresti sa mergi, nu ezita sa te inscrii cat mai repede, atata timp cat locurile disponibile sunt mai multe.

    Mai multe detalii pentru program gasiti mai jos:
    Programul de munca si calatorie in Statele Unite - Summer Work & Travel USA - se desfasoara in perioada vacantei de vara si se adreseaza in mod exclusiv studentilor inscrisi la invatamantul de zi. Acest tip de programe este promovat cu acceptul Departamentului de Stat si al Serviciului de Imigrare al SUA (BCIS - Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services), toate firmele partenere implicate fiind acreditate de Departamentul de Stat al SUA.
    Programul reprezinta o oportunitate extraodinara pentru studentii romani de a munci si calatori legal in SUA, de a cunoaste si a se familiariza cu modul de viata american, de a cunoate societatea americana, de a lega prietenii atat cu americani cat si cu tineri/studenti de alte nationalitati sau chiar romani.

    Locurile de munca: hoteluri, restaurante, cluburi de golf, magazine, parcuri de distractii

    Costul programului/Variante program:

    1. Full Service - locul de munca, transportul si cazarea sunt asigurate de catre partenerii externi – 925 USD

    2. Self-Arranged - locul de munca este asigurat de catre student - 590 USD

    3. Self-Arranged Repeater – varianta adresata stundentilor care au mai fost in SUA cu viza J-1 – 525 USD

    Important: preturile de mai sus includ costul asigurarii medicale si de accident pentru perioada in care studentii

    au drept de munca: 15 Iunie – 1 Octombrie (15 saptamani).

    Daca se doreste extinderea perioadei de asigurare, studentul va achita suplimentar suma de 90 centi/zi J

    Costuri suplimentare:

    35 USD taxa SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) – nerambursabila

    160 USD taxa viza catre Ambasada SUA - nerambursabila

    biletul de avion - in functie de destinatie.

    bani de buzunar .

    Prin program se asigura:

    un loc de munca la alegere dintre cele existente la momentul depunerii dosarului pentru varianta Full Service

    Pentru ambele variante de program:

    asigurari medicale si de accident, dreptul temporar de munca, respectiv formularul DS-2019
    pregatirea dosarului si a interviului la Ambasada SUA
    asistenta pentru obtinerea Social Security Number si a biletelor de avion
    asistenta in SUA 24/7 pe parcursul desfasurarii programului
    sesiune de informare inainte de deplasarea in SUA

    Pentru toate locurile de munca se asigura si cazare (varianta Full Service). Pretul pentru cazare este cuprins intre 50 si 110 dolari/saptamana, functie de zona si conditiile de cazare. Salarizarea variaza intre 7.00 si 12 USD/ora, iar numarul de ore lucrate este si el variabil: 35-40 si poate ajunge la 50-60, sau mai mult, functie de nevoile angajatorlui.
    Studentii au dreptul la al doilea sau al treilea loc de munca atat timp cat este respectat contractul primit in Romania inainte de deplasarea in Statele Unite.


    interval de desfasurare a programului 15 Iunie - 31 Octombrie astfel: perioada de munca: 15 Iunie - 30 Septembrie + perioada de calatorie 1 - 31 Octombrie.
    Studentii din anii terminali trebuie sa prezinte la interviul de la Ambasada SUA documente suplimentare care sa certifice continuarea studiilor dupa intoarcerea in Romania: master, burse, inscrierea la alte facultati, etc. Este utila o recomandare pentru continuarea studiilor printr-un program de Master din partea unui profesor, coordonator licenta, etc. Studentii care urmeaza cursuri de Master sunt eligibili pentru program, daca sunt in anul I.

    Doresc sa va spun ca am fost cu acest program de mai multe ori in Statele Unite si pe langa banii pe care i-am facut a fost si o experienta extraordinara pe care consider ca orice student trebuie sa o aiba cel putin odata in viata.

    De asemenea stiu cum este atunci cand pleci prima oara si te gandesti, daca firma cu care vrei sa mergi este serioasa, de aceea prin propiile experiente fara griji doresc sa garantez calitatea firmei de intermediere. PROMOINTERNATIONAL.
    Pentru mai multe detalii contactati-ma

    Arata datele de contact

    Last edited by saregalucian; 16-04-2013 at 18:57.

  2. #2
    Newcomer saregalucian's Avatar saregalucian reprezinta o cantitate neglijabila
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    Restaurant, Nashua, New Hampshire

    Number of Open Positions: 4
    Type of Positions: making sandwiches, Fries, and taking customer orders
    Gender Required: Female
    Level of English: Very Good
    Program Dates Preferred: Summer
    Pay Rate: $7.75/h
    Housing Cost: Housing is around $800-$900 a month, for 4 students to share, and it’s about a 5 minute drive from the work site.

    Hotel, Tampa, FL

    Number of Open Positions: 7
    Type of Positions: Front Desk (previous Front Office experience required)
    Gender Required: Female
    Level of English: Very Good
    Program Dates Preferred: Mid- June to October 1st
    Pay Rate: $8.25/h
    Housing Cost: $400/person. Two participants will share a townhouse suite that is based on the property with utilities included.

    Hotel, Kill Devil Hills, NC

    Number of Open Positions: 4
    Type of Positions: Waitress/hostess (2 female); busser (1 male); houseman (1 male)
    Gender Required: As Above
    Level of English: Very Good
    Program Dates Preferred: Mid- June to October 1st
    Pay Rate:
    Houseman: $7.50/h
    Busser: $4.50/h plus tips
    Waitress: $4.00/h plus tips
    Hostess is $8/h
    Housing Cost: TBD

    Club de golf, LONGMEADOW, MA

    Number of Open Positions: 2
    Type of Positions: Waiters with previous experience
    Gender Required: Male
    Level of English: Very Good
    Program Dates Preferred: Mid- June to October 1st(ONLY Romanians)
    Pay Rate: $9/hour; no gratuity
    Housing Cost: On site; free of charge

    Additional Information: The club is located 1 hour from Boston and 2 hours from New York, which is a very nice geographical location! I also attached Andrei to this email hoping that one of you will read it on time.

    Hotel, Nantucket, MA

    Number of Open Positions: 4
    Type of Positions: Housekeeping
    Gender Required: Female
    Level of English: Good
    Program Dates Preferred: Mid- June to October 1st
    Pay Rate: $10/hour
    Housing Cost: Housing is a shared room located in the hotel; participants are offered to work one extra day/week (which will not be paid by the employer) to compensate the housing cost

    Hotel, Gardiner, MT

    Number of Open Positions: 2
    Type of Positions: Housekeeping
    Gender Required: Female
    Level of English: Very Good
    Program Dates Preferred: June earliest possible – Oct 1st
    Pay Rate: $9/hour
    Housing Cost: Housing is a shared apartment for $75 per month; it is located at the hotel

    Additional Information: We pay $9 per hour, ($8 per hr until contract is complete and then a $1 per hour bonus for every hr worked).
    Restaurant, South Vienna, OH

    Number of Open Positions: 8
    Type of Positions:
    Gender Required: Both
    Level of English: Good
    Program Dates Preferred: Summer
    Pay Rate: $8.50
    Housing Cost: We offer dorm style housing free of charge

    Hotel, Buffalo, WY

    Number of Open Positions: 2 female students or a couple
    Type of Positions: housekeeping, busser, hostess, servers.(based on their English and hotel's needs, a combination of everything and we will make the job offer for housekeeping only)
    Gender Required: Females or a couple
    Level of English: Good
    Program Dates Preferred: Summer
    Pay Rate: $8/hour plus tips
    Housing Cost: $250/month

    Additional Information:
    Positions available: housekeeping, busser, hostess, servers.(based on their English and hotel's needs, a combination of everything and we will make the job offer for housekeeping only) Pay rate $8.00/h plus tips They need two girls willing to share a room or a couple. No Skype Interviews as long as they understand that housekeeping is included in their job duties.

    The participants we placed last year were very happy and work a lot of over time in different departments of the hotel. Housing available across the street from the hotel.

    The employer doesn't offer housing but there is housing available across the street from the hotel. The students we placed last summer lived across the street from the hotel and paid $250/month/person and stayed for free most of the time because they helped the owner of the apartment with some office cleaning. (The owner owns a service cleaning business)

    Hotel, Buffalo, WY

    Number of Open Positions: 5
    Type of Positions: Housekeeping
    Gender Required: Female
    Level of English: Very Good
    Program Dates Preferred: June 10th – Oct 1st
    Pay Rate: $9/hour
    Housing Cost: $275/month

    Additional Information:

    We prefer the Romanian students with the dates of June 10th to Oct. 1st. The pay rate is $9.00 an hour. The housing cost is $275.00 per student per month. Their rent includes wireless internet, some TV stations, and a land phone with free calling in the USA. There is a washer/dryer in the house. I am the landlord on the house and I provide the toilet paper. I have bicycles for the students use. The house is 12 blocks from the Comfort Inn, easy to walk or ride the bike. Many of our students choose to have an evening job at the local fast food restaurants. We finish at the Comfort Inn between 2 to 3 PM and the students work 3 or 4 evenings at fast food places.

    Hotel, Port Angels, WA

    Number of Open Positions: 3
    Type of Positions: Housekeeping and restaurant duties may be assigned
    Gender Required: Female
    Level of English: Very Good
    Program Dates Preferred: June 20th – Oct 1st
    Pay Rate: $9.04/hour
    Housing Cost: $400/month (room and board included)

    Club de golf, Salem, VA

    Number of Open Positions: 7
    Type of Positions: Servers, Pool Snack Bar, Front Office
    Gender Required: Both
    Level of English: Very Good
    Program Dates Preferred: June 15th – Oct 1st
    Pay Rate: $7.50/hour + gratuity
    Housing Cost: TBD
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