Grupul de voluntari Eco Youth organizeaza Treasure Hunt - Eco Challenge in Parcul Nicolae Romanescu.
Program dinamic desfasurat intr-o atmosfera competitiva pentru echipe, cu elemente de recreere si exercitii outdoor ce pot fi executate fara stress si riscuri. Exercitiile presupun diverse scenarii cu provocari personale si pentru echipa.
Participantii sunt impartiti in echipe iar echipele vor trece alternativ prin diverse probe pentru a ajunge la final.
Daca esti curios despre comoara noastra, te asteptam sambata la ora 18:00 alaturi de prietenii tai sub pod, la statuia cuplului.
The Eco Youth team is organizing a Treasure Hunt - Eco Challenge at Nicolae Romanescu Park.
The dynamic program will be held in a competitive atmosphere among the teams, with outdoor activities that can be executed without stress and risks. The exercises involve various scenarios with personal and team challenges.
Participants are divided into teams and teams will alternately pass through various tasks to reach the end.
If you are curious about our treasure, we'll be waiting for you alongside your friends on Saturday the 5th of July at 18:00 at the "couple statue" under the bridge.