=Rescriu/updatez bios-uri=

  1. #1
    0-day Member md76 reprezinta o cantitate neglijabila
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    =Rescriu/updatez bios-uri=

    =Rescriu/updatez bios-uri=
    =Rescriu/updatez bios-uri=

    -Ai facut un update de bios si placa de baza nu mai porneste?Rescriu biosul chiar si daca acesta este lipit pe placa de baza,chiar daca placa nu mai porneste,iti pot scrie ultima varianta de bios pentru ca performantele placii tale sa fie maxime cu programator extern.
    -Update,rescriere bios,fara riscuri,garantat 100% operatiunea se face in cel mai scurt timp posibil pentru biosul lipit pe placa sau cel din soclu,se verifica cipul de bios daca mai este bun inainte de a il rescrie
    -puteti trimite cipul de bios ce doriti sa fie rescris,il programez si vi-l trimit inapoi cu posta,sau va pot trimite cipul cu seria dorita,rescris/updatat cu biosul potrivit,daca am pe stoc acel cip,in acel moment.
    -pt.cine nu stie:in marea majoritatea a cazurilor,pe cipul de bios este lipita o eticheta,razuiti acea eticheta si dedesubt se afla seria(modelul) cipului de bios
    -daca seria cipului tau de bios se regaseste printre cele enumerate mai jos atunci se poate rezolva 100%.

    -Lista cipurilor de bios ce le pot rescrie/updata:

    EPROM 27C64 , 27C128 , 27C256 , 27C512 , 27C010 , 27C020 , 27C040 , 27C1001
    M27C1001 , M27C2001 , M27C4001
    27C080 (A19) , M27C801 , M87C257
    2716(Vpp25V) , 2732 , (adapter DIP24)
    2764 , 27128 , 27256 , 27512 , 27010,
    Vpp12.5V (21Vpp Modify Circuit)
    EEPROM 28C65 , 28C64 , 28C128 , 28C256 , 28C512 , 28C010 , 28C020 , 28C040
    M28C16A/17A (DIP28)
    (Adapter or Jumper) 28C16,XLS2816 (DIP24)
    FLASH Memory

    28F64 , 28F128 , 28F256 , 28F512 , 28F010 , 28F020
    MX26C1000 , MX26C2000 , MX28F1000 , MX28F2000
    Am28F256A , Am28F512A , Am28F010A , Am28F020A (New command erase/prog.)
    -- intel ---
    i28F001BX , 28F004 , 28F008 , 28F016
    FLASH Memory

    29F64 , 29F128 , 29F256 , 29F512 , 29F010 , 29F020 , 29F040 , 29F080
    29F001 , 29F002 , 29F004 , 29F008 , 29F016 , 29F032 , V29C51002T , 29LV040
    Serial (I2C) EEPROM

    24C02 , 24C04 , 24C08 , 24C16 , 85C72 , 85C82 , 85C92
    --- page write ----
    24C32 , 24C64 , 24C128 , 24C256 , 24C512
    Microwire EEPROM

    <------ Data 8bit -----> (pin 6 ->ORG. [Schematic connect to GND])
    93C06 , 93C46 , 93LC46 , 93C56 , 93C57, 93C66 , 93C76 , 93C86 (8bit) , AT59C11 , AT59C22 , AT59C13
    CAT35C102 , CAT35C104 , CAT35C108 (pullup pin7)
    <------Data 16bit------> (pin 6 ->NC [No Connect])
    93C06A , 93C46X , 93C56 , 93C66 , 93C76 , 93C86 (NS)
    Microchip PIC 16C84 , 16F84 ,16F84A , 16F627/16F628
    12C508/A , 12C509/A , 12CE518 , 12CE519 , 16C505
    16C620 , 16C621 , 16C622 , 16CE623 , 16CE624 , 16CE625 , 16C710/711
    ---ICSP connector----
    16F870 , 16F871 , 16F872 , 16F873 , 16F874 , 16F876 , 16F877 PIC16F873A , PIC16F874A , PIC16F876A , PIC16F877A
    -Add PIC microchip 14bit
    PIC12F629 , PIC12F675 , PIC16F630 , PIC16F676 , PIC12F635 , PIC12F683 , PIC16F636 , PIC16F684 , PIC16F688
    PIC16F72/73/74/76/77 , PIC16F737/747/767/777 , PIC16F87/88 , rfPIC12F675x , PIC16F785/PS200 , PIC16F716
    -Add microchip 14bit,12bit OTP
    PIC12C671 , PIC12C672 , PIC12CE673 , PIC12CE674
    PIC16C61/71 , PIC16C62/64/65/73 , PIC16C62A/62B/62C/63/63A/64A/65A/65B/66/67
    PIC16C72/72A/73A/74A/74B/76/77 , PIC16C620/620A/621/621A/622/622A
    PIC16CE/623/624/625 , PIC16C710/711/712/716 , PIC16C773/774 , PIC16C745/765/923/924 , PIC16C925/926
    PIC16C554/556/557/558 , PIC16C432/433 , PIC16C717/770/771/781/782
    -Add PIC microchip 14bit
    PIC12F629/675 , PIC16F630/676 , PIC12F635/683 , PIC16F636/684/688 , PIC16F72/73/74/76/77 , PIC16F737/747/767/777 , PIC16F87/88 , rfPIC12F675x , PIC16F785/PS200 , PIC16F716
    -Add microchip 14bit OTP
    PIC12C671 , PIC12C672 , PIC12CE673 , PIC12CE674 , PIC16C61/71 , PIC16C62/64/65/73 , PIC16C62A/62B/62C/63/63A/64A/65A/65B/66/67 , PIC16C72/72A/73A/74A/74B/76/77 , PIC16C620/620A/621/621A/622/622A , PIC16CE/623/624/625 , PIC16C710/711/712/716 , PIC16C773/774 , PIC16C745/765/923/924 , PIC16C925/926 , PIC16C554/556/557/558 , PIC16C432/433 , PIC16C717/770/771/781/782
    -Add PIC microchip 12bit (FLASH memory)
    PIC12F508/509 , PIC10F200/202/204/206 , PIC16F505 , PIC16F54/57
    -Add PIC18Fxxx
    PIC18F242 , 18F248 , 18F252 , 18F258 , 18F442 , 18F448 , 16F452 , 16F458
    PIC18F1220 , 18F2220 , 18F4220 , 18F1320 , 18F2320 , 18F4320
    PIC18F6520 , 18F6620 , 18F6720 , 18F8520 , 18F8620 , 18F8720
    PIC18F2331 , 18F2431 , 18F4331 , 18F4431
    PIC18F6525 , 18F6621 , 18F8525 , 18F8621
    PIC18F6585 , 18F6680 , 18F8585 , 18F8680
    PIC18F2439 , 18F2539 , 18F4439 , 18F4539
    PIC18F6410 , 18F8410 , 18F6490 , 18F8490
    Add PIC18Fxxx
    PIC18F2410 , PIC18F2420 , PIC18F2455
    PIC18F2510 , PIC18F2515 , PIC18F2520 , PIC18F2525 , PIC18F2550 , PIC18F2585
    PIC18F2610 , PIC18F2620 , PIC18F2680
    PIC18F4410, PIC18F4420 , PIC18F4455
    PIC18F4510 , PIC18F4515 , PIC18F4520 , PIC18F4525 , PIC18F4550 , PIC18F4585
    PIC18F4610 , PIC18F4620 , PIC18F4680
    Add Find and edit value OSCCAL (PIC12F629/675 , PIC16F630/676)
    Add Edit config at address 0x2008,0x2009 (PIC12F635/683 , PIC16F636/684/688 , PIC16F785)
    Fixed Programming PIC all
    Test on chip
    PIC12F675 , PIC16F676 , PIC16F684 ,PIC16F767, PIC16F74
    PIC16F872 , PIC16F876 , PIC16F877, PIC16F876A, PIC16F873A, PIC16F819
    PIC16F84 , PIC16F84A , PIC16F628, PIC16F628A,
    eprom PIC12C509JW , PIC16C505JW , PIC16C711JW , PIC16CE625JW
    PIC18F458 , PIC18F4320 , PIC18LF258 , PIC18F4539 , PIC18F4431

    Atmel Flash Memory
    (Sector Programming)
    (Software Data Protection)

    AT29C256 , AT29C512 , AT29C010A , AT29C020 , AT29C040 , AT29C040A
    W29EE512 , W29EE011 , W29EE012 , W29C020(128) , W29C040

    ASD AE29F1008 (AT29C010), AE29F2008 (AT29C020)
    Ver 0.992 up(DOS). Can run under win9x
    (disable prog. CPUIdle or CPUCool)

    Atmel Flash Memory
    AT49Fxxx (Subset 29Fxxx)
    (Byte-by-Byte Programming)
    (Software Data Protection)

    Command seq. 5555/AA, 2AAA/55, 5555/A0
    AT49F512 , AT49F010 , AT49F020 , AT49F040
    SST39SF010 , SST3S9F020 ,SST39SF040
    AT49F001 , AT49F002 , AT49F008A

    Command seq. 555/AA, 2AA/55, 555/A0
    Am29F512 , Am29F010 , Am29F020 , Am29F040 , HY29F080
    29F002 , 29F002T , Pm29F002T

    Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
    EEPROM Mode0 (0,0)
    AT25xxx, W95xxx

    [Atmel] AT25010 , 020 , 040 (A8-A0)
    AT25080 , 160 , 320 , 640 , 128 , 256 (A15-A0)
    [ST] W95010....256, Microchip 25x010 - 25x640
    --- Byte programming
    25010 , 25020 , 25040
    --- Page programming
    25C080 , 25C160 , 25C320 , 25C640 , 25C128 , 25C256 , 25C512
    AT25HP256 , AT25HP512 , M25P10 , M25P20 , M25P40
    AT25HP1024 (24bit address)
    -- CAT64LCxxx (16bit DATA IN/OUT) use Socket 93Cxxx
    CAT64LC010, CAT64LC020, CAT64LC040

    Atmel EEPROM (page prog.)
    (Software Data Protection)
    AT28C256 , AT28C010 , AT28C040
    Nonvaltile SRAM (DS12xx) DS1220 , DS1225Y , DS1230Y/AB , DS1245Y/AB , DS1249Y/AB

    static RAM (Test RAM)
    6116 , 6264 , 62256 , 62512 , 628128

    EPROM winbond,SST
    Electrical Erase Chip

    W27E512 , W27E010 , W27C010 , W27C020 , W27C040
    SST27SF256 , SST27SF512 , SST27SF010 , SST27SF020
    Vcc = 3.3-3.6V SST37VF512 , SST37VF010 , SST37VF020 , SST37VF040

    Flash Memory SST,Sanyo
    SST28SF040A , LE28F4001

    SPANSION S25FL004A/040A,S25FL008A,S25FL040A-T,S25FL040A-B,S25FL016A,S25FL032A S25FL064A
    WINBOND W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80, W25X010, W25X020,W25X040, W25X080, W25X16, W25X32, W25X64
    MXIC MX25L512, MX25L1005, MX25L2005, MX25L4005A, MX25L8005A, MX25L1605, MX25L3205 MX25L6405
    EON EN25B05, EN25B10, EN25B20, EN25B40, EN25B80, EN25B16, EN25B32, EN25B64 EN25P05, EN25P10, EN25P20, EN25P40, EN25BP80, EN25P16, EN25P32,EN25P64 EN25D80, EN25D16, EN25F20, EN25F40, EN25F80, EN25F16
    AMIC A25L05P-B, A25L10P-B, A25L20P-B, A25L05P-T, A25L10P-T, A25L20P-T, A25L512, A25L010, A25L020, A25L040, A25L080, A25L016, A25L032
    PMC Pm25LV512, Pm25LV010, Pm25LV020, Pm25LV040, Pm25LV080, Pm25LV016
    Numonyx (ST) M25P05, M25P10, M25P20, M25P40, M25P80, M25P16, M25P32, M25P64, M25PE10, M25PE20, M25PE40, M25PE80 **M45PE10, M45PE20, M45PE40, M45PE80, M45PE16, M25PX80, M25PX16, M25PX32, M25PX64
    AT25DF021, AT25DF041A, AT25DF081, AT25DF081A, AT25DF161, AT25DF321A, AT25DF641, AT26DF041, AT26DF161A, AT26DF321, AT45DF011D, AT45DF021D, AT45DF041D, AT45DF081D, AT45DB161D, AT45DF321D, AT45DF641D

    39VF1601 49LF002B 49LF003B 49LF004B 39LF040B 39LF/VF020
    WINBOND 39v040AP 39v080AP W39V040FA W39V040FAP W39V040BP W39V04OBPZ W49V040FBPZ W39V040FCP W39V040FCPZ W39V080AP W39V080APZ W39V080FAP W39V080FAPZ
    49LH002 49LH004
    EON 29Fxx
    AMIC A49LF004 A49LF004TL A49LF004TL-33C A49LF004TL-33F A49LF004TX A49LF040A A49LF040N 49LF040TL A49LF040TL-33 A49LF040TL-33C A49LF040TX
    PMC PM49FL002T PM49FL004T PM49FL008T PM49F002T PM49F020 PM49F008T PM49F020A PM49F004T PM49F040 PM49FLxx
    SPD IC
    SDR Memory: 24C02 24C04 24C08 24C16 24C32(32)
    DDR Memory: 24C02 24C04 24C08 24C16 24C32(32) 93C06(8 bit) 93C46(8 bit) 93C56(8 bit) 93C57t(8 bit) 93C66(8 bit) 93C76t(8 bit)

    preturi incepand cu 35lei+pretul cipului de bios,daca il aveti defect,in functie de modelul si cipul placii de baza putand ajunge si la 80-100lei,sunati pt detalii

    nu ma ocup de laptop,nu insistati!

    sunt din Bucuresti

    Arata datele de contact

    Last edited by md76; 19-11-2010 at 00:41.
    tel.O 7 6 3*6 9 8*3 7 5, O 7 2 5*6 6 5*9 9 3-BUCURESTI

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