Subiectele 1-18 din 18


Craiova`s World of Warcraft Private Server

Sub-Forumuri Subiecte / Mesaje Ultimul mesaj

  1. If you are experiencing problems installing or patching World of Warcraft, connecting to the realms or are crashing during game play, post here for assistance.

    Actiuni Forum:

    Statistici Forum:

    • 63 / 1,208
  2. Collection of important messages regarding the status of the realm, downtime, upgrade, etc

    Actiuni Forum:

    Statistici Forum:

    • 26 / 144

    Ultimul mesaj:

    Exclamation Upgrade: 20-02-09 Du-te la ultimul mesaj

    de zombiemort

    25-02-2009, 18:16

  3. Found a bug in the game? Help us squash it by reporting it here!

    Actiuni Forum:

    Statistici Forum:

    • 163 / 446
  4. Discuss professions in`game in detail.

    Actiuni Forum:

    Statistici Forum:

    • 12 / 27

    Ultimul mesaj:

    Post Tailoring Du-te la ultimul mesaj

    de Lybe

    02-02-2009, 02:16

  5. Discuss the instance dungeons and end-game raid encounters in World of Warcraft.

    Actiuni Forum:

    Statistici Forum:

    • 18 / 181

    Ultimul mesaj:

    Dungen Northrend Du-te la ultimul mesaj

    de VHacker21

    18-02-2009, 17:25

  6. Searching for a guild, advertising your guild or maybe just discuss about one?

    Actiuni Forum:

    Statistici Forum:

    • 8 / 260
  7. Off-topic posts of interest to the World of Warcraft community.

    Actiuni Forum:

    Statistici Forum:

    • 90 / 863

    Serverul CraiovaWoW 3.3.5a s-a redeschis si este continuarea spirituala a servarului original CraiovaWoW care ne era indragit facut de WinSCP. Pe acest servar nu va exista niciodata wipe sau crashes si este on 24/7 , il restartam decat cand ii facem updateuri.. De mentionat este ca toate...

    Inceput de DarkAngel, 23-05-2012 19:11
    server wow craiova
    • 3 / 1,362
    17-06-2012, 10:58 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  2. WoW srv romanesc 4000+ playeri on

    http://wow.**********/register.php?inviter=21586 asta este o invitatie la srv romanesc cu o promotie de 20x doar din invitatie , tin sa mentionez ca srv are rate de 10x bliz , tot scriptat full pve , admini on . Doar prin aceasta inv : http://wow.**********/register.php?inviter=21586 aveti 20x rate...

    Inceput de DennyS, 01-01-2012 04:38
    4000+, romanesc, srv, wow
    • 1 / 1,235
    23-05-2012, 00:29 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  3. Maelstrom WoW Romania

    RO FactoryGames Romania este o comunitate romaneasca de gaming care se ocupa in general cu servere la cele mai jucate jocuri multiplayer! S-a format in Iulie 2011 si speram ca va fi deschisa mult timp inainte. Serverele noastre sunt cat se poate de originale,frumoase si jucate. Noi ofermim...

    Inceput de maelstrom, 01-04-2012 14:03
    maelstrom, romania, wow
    • 0 / 1,349
    01-04-2012, 14:03 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  4. Echo-Net WoW Server Romanian is back Join Echo-Net New Blizzlike Romanian Server with custom rates(1-5x) 3.3.5a. -No Lag -Amazing uptime (Record 6 weeks) -Working Arenas -Working Battlegrounds - 98% Functionally Spells -Great Community formed by people all over the world. -Medium population

    Inceput de Papadopulus01, 09-03-2012 21:29
    echo-net, romanian, server, wow
    • 1 / 3,633
    10-03-2012, 13:22 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  5. Va invit la joc

    http://wow.**********/register.php?inviter=13435 Register pe invitatia asta pe cel mai bun server de Cataclysm din romania (3500+ ONLINE) NOTE: In plus daca va veti inregistra cu invitatia mea va promit solemn ca va voi ajuta cu GOLD in-game, iteme, poate chiar si level daca am timp la...

    Inceput de edisanx, 11-12-2011 13:36
    invit, joc
    • 1 / 862
    10-03-2012, 12:39 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  6. ZoneWow Entertainment

    ZoNeWoW EnterTainMent offers you brand new experience! Server Info : -Events Everyday, PVP, Hide & Seek, Class PVP, Fashion, Music, Jumping and much much more! -New Instances, Eredar Sanctuary, Salvation Instance, The Cave! -New 150lvl Sets, wanna have 100k hp? Its not a problem!

    Inceput de Athos22, 22-01-2012 21:53
    entertainment, zonewow
    • 0 / 861
    22-01-2012, 21:53 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  7. Goplay Networks - World of Warcraft private server GUILD TRANSFER Fully Working Dungeons and Raids with small exceptions: Icc has 11/12 fully scripted bosses Ruby Sanctum works 100% Ulduar works 100% Naxxramas works 100% Dungeon finder works blizzlike All Battlegrounds and Arenas

    Inceput de Qiuu, 08-10-2011 03:30
    goplay, networks, warcraft, world
    • 2 / 1,026
    10-11-2011, 00:50 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  8. 5Years no WIPE! SpidernetRomania ( Rates XP Mob: 1x XP Quest: 1.5x XP Explore: 1x Money Drop: 1x

    Inceput de mistico911, 10-09-2011 11:57
    (, 5years, spidernetromania, wipe!
    • 0 / 1,139
    10-09-2011, 11:57 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  9. cont upgradat la cataclysm

    Vand cont wow cataclysm EU. 1 caracter de 85 (undead mage) + 5 caractere 80-81 (dk, priest, rogue) Average item lvl pe mag: 348 Pret 300 ron negociabil. 0763809354

    Inceput de Highbury, 21-06-2011 16:50
    cataclysm, cont, upgradat
    • 1 / 1,116
    04-09-2011, 19:54 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  10. GoplayNetworks GUILD TRANSFER Fully Working Dungeons and Raids with small exceptions: Icc has 11/12 fully scripted bosses Ruby Sanctum works 100% Ulduar works 100% Naxxramas works 100% Dungeon finder works blizzlike All Battlegrounds and Arenas No Lag, No Wipe, No Downtime

    Inceput de athene1, 01-09-2011 09:54
    • 0 / 996
    01-09-2011, 09:54 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  11. RagnarosWoW

    Ragnaros WoW Patch : 3.3.5a 2 Realmuri: * Frostwolf : Blizzlike, rate 2x. * Hellscream : Instant 80 PvP, mall in Shattrath City, Teleporter peste tot. Serverul este dedicat, si ruleaza pe LINUX 64 biti. Serverul este hostat de

    Inceput de nazby21, 18-05-2011 18:33
    3.3.5a, blizzkile, fun realm, lich king, ragnaroswow, wotlk
    • 0 / 1,127
    18-05-2011, 18:33 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  12. Thumbs up

    Pana pe data de 5-12-2010 serverul va ofera o promotie cu rate de 20x (dupa vor scadea la 5x) cei ce doresc un server stabil pe care merge aproape tot (inclusiv wintergrasp si icc) si nu se doneaza va asteptam cu mare placere. Suntem in cautare de playeri, deja suntem...

    Inceput de balaur_4ever, 26-11-2010 19:36
    • 1 / 1,507
    18-04-2011, 11:46 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  13. Question DOWN??

    site-ul down? si nici servarul nu mai merge :|

    Inceput de Imorral, 24-03-2009 12:56
    • 3 / 1,407
    11-04-2011, 21:15 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  14. Cataclysm

    Descriere nu mai fac pt ca deja stiti cu totii... Deci ce parere aveti despre el?

    Inceput de house, 12-12-2010 18:21
    • 1 / 1,133
    15-12-2010, 13:14 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  15. SenarisWow 2x xp

    Senaris Wow 2x Xp Nu Sunt Buguri , Lag Maxim 20 MS Toti Game Masteri De Treaba Merg Absolut TOATE Instantele Inclusiv Batalia Din WinterGrasp (WG).Va Asteptam Pe Toti Pagina De Inregistrare : . Pagina Serverului :

    Inceput de zone23, 17-11-2010 17:22
    • 0 / 983
    17-11-2010, 17:22 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  16. World of Warcraft - The Fall of the Lich King - by Onix

    Trebuie neaparat vazut cel mai epic, genial si bine facut film cu World of Warcraft EVER Filmu consta in 4 parti si credeti-ma ca merita sa stai sa-l vezi pe tot cap coada ca e povestea din wow, link-urile sunt mai jos: World of Warcraft - The Fall of the Lich King - part I - by Onix World...

    Inceput de DarkAngel, 22-09-2010 23:30
    fall, the, warcraft, world
    • 0 / 1,102
    22-09-2010, 23:30 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  17. Sugestie

    Doresc sa ma adresez adminului cu urmatoarea sugestie:sa se mareasca xp pt o perioada..astfel ar fi mai usor de populat serverul...cred ca as putea aduce ceva lume daca macar un 10x ar fi:) numai pt o perioada desigur.

    Inceput de namy, 05-05-2009 09:41
    • 1 / 1,136
    05-05-2009, 10:15 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  18. Screenshots

    M-am gandit ca ar merge un thread pe tema asta, sa puna cine vrea screenshots pe care le-au facut ei (funny or not) in acest server. Incep eu: Name: Alexander Class: Warrior DND on

    Inceput de deardeavil, 20-08-2008 22:09
    3 Paginile
    1 2 3
    • 41 / 5,643
    01-02-2009, 22:07 Du-te la ultimul mesaj

Vrei mai putine reclame? Inregistreaza-te sau logheaza-te daca ai deja cont.

Ce se intampla in acest moment?

Utilizatori onlineUtilizatori online

Momentan sunt 909 utilizatori online. 2 membri si 907 oaspeti

Cei mai multi useri online 19,819, 15-06-2024 la 17:31.

Utilizatori onlineUtilizatori inregistrati astazi: 2

Sarbatoritii zileiSarbatoritii zilei

  1. Robin_SA (43)
  2. Dj-12-VIN (42)
  3. Unty (33)
  4. bb_girl (32)
  5. trk (31)
  6. ineguratu (35)
  7. alexxandru (37)
  8. betrol (37)
  9. augustin/ (51)
  10. Claudiu93 (32)
  11. roby_blu3 (35)
  12. just_vyo (35)
  13. claudiub93 (32)
  14. only_cash_2007 (36)
  15. Albertw
  16. elvira (38)
  17. Roby2009 (36)
  18. ando_ron (39)
  19. alexvieruro (43)
  20. Manta Bogdan (43)
  21. gabrieldobre (41)
  22. catalin_05d (43)
  23. speedy9_78 (36)
  24. ramona_eu (40)
  25. yonumi_uruhara (33)
  26. madalin112
  27. diduk90
  28. dj36krs (32)
  29. stoian bogdan (42)
  30. alex_al3xx95 (30)
  31. nickooler (41)
  32. alecsandru123 (39)
  33. Trica Robert (32)
  34. alynn81
  35. puiutzam86 (39)
  36. expert_buissnes (49)
  37. tavi02ro (37)
  38. mihaela_me (34)
  39. Oprea Lucian
  40. Zahra (36)
  41. alexu1983 (42)
  42. ms.fionna (42)
  43. Pr3dAtOr (35)
  44. camelia120284 (41)
  45. maru1984
  46. jacksparow1 (37)
  47. dorubadboy13 (52)
  48. ReSoa (40)
  49. danniculescu (35)
  50. MihaiMHY (29)
  51. cosmin sarbu (80)
  52. soreaka (45)
  53. Enach3 (40)
  54. 1And (31)
  55. adivali7 (40)
  56. tavi88ro (37)
  57. aryondox (44)
  58. Elnegro2bad (34)
  59. tudor122 (40)
  60. laurman (33)
  61. klaudiiu (32)
  62. Vainerish (32)
  63. val3ntyn0 (35)
  64. ragman123 (36)
  65. BitZa23RePaR (35)
  66. dadydum (36)
  67. R1Zo (35)
  68. bebelaurentiu19 (47)
  69. Badea Jan Colve
  70. Malvina Lumi
  71. LGVarsatoru (33)
  72. cristian_daniel (40)
  73. vio75 (50)
  74. Spulbar Tatiana (55)
  75. gabriella18 (29)
  76. ileananicola (53)
  77. ovidiu1202 (32)
  78. Anca A (31)
  79. Nicolae enache (40)
  80. Dinozaur (27)
  81. florin iancu (49)
  82. cucuvirilu (51)
  83. sempre_juve (37)
  84. libanu2005 (44)
  85. lost_cola (37)
  86. macs_andyq (40)
  87. Cristi_007 (40)
  88. ciripel (44)
  89. rockstar (45)
  90. catalin_vlad90 (35)
  91. 4 fete (38)
  92. lore4dany (37)
  93. titudumitru (48)
  94. Kriztynel (32)
  95. GEORGEL2009 (40)
  96. clau23u (33)
  97. mytza_mafiotu (31)
  98. p3trysor (31)
  99. artymon (52)
  100. daniel1975 (49)
  101. Ungvari Csaba (51)
  102. sorin alex (36)
  103. toader laurenty (44)
  104. nDy (36)
  105. imortall (32)
  106. koop (35)
  107. AfreeZel12 (39)
  108. sorin migiu (49)
  109. Sorrow (35)
  110. scarlog (36)
  111. TARARACHE (38)
  112. danyzx
  113. diaconescu (40)
  114. bibingp (29)
  115. mAdAm (82)
  116. *Elena*
  117. stanescu (40)
  118. ionescuandrei (45)
  119. profa (56)
  120. danicet (35)
  121. roxypopa (39)
  122. Zargosz (50)
  123. abac987 (53)
  124. necunoscutul (47)
  125. clownel (37)
  126. obione (40)
  127. adeh (44)
  128. seby12 (35)
  129. bugsy (38)
  130. msszonya (35)
  131. Danc1u (35)
  132. lovely1203 (39)
  133. doodle (33)
  134. derfrosch (34)
  135. BogdanFTW (33)
  136. georgishor (39)
  137. Anka_80 (45)
  138. milica123 (55)
  139. Mortu Din Debar (15)
  140. Andrey9876 (34)
  141. razvanrpg (41)
  142. Steffymotors (58)
  143. ghenceam (45)
  144. setpablo (35)
  145. alexbals (32)
  146. jesygesy
  147. eliad oana (40)
  148. deleTeee (29)
  149. taly (42)
  150. 2x2
  151. AlecoPlezo (35)
  152. Utescu Marian (58)
  153. hoankim1997 (31)
  154. coco95 (33)
  155. anka..
  156. adygeo90 (31)
  157. ionturcu (38)
  158. Seful Vostru (37)
  159. mbmotw (40)
  160. 123456789012345 (33)
  161. robest (42)
  162. Radut Eduard (32)
  163. realspinner (36)
  164. sannet (43)
  165. g3org3dumitru (36)
  166. Elise Olivier (42)
  167. ionutnicu (27)
  168. SergioCordell08 (48)
  169. surubel00 (35)
  170. whitecracker (29)
  171. Salon Jeanine (48)
  172. nekedhormon (47)
  173. bolei85 (50)
  174. nyiinaough (34)
  175. keluumu (51)
  176. zhiewypjsfe (51)
  177. Smaranda Stefi (31)
  178. Fidelul (39)
  179. pyt08 (55)
  180. gabmedale1212 (51)
  181. BarneySand (40)
  182. ReaganPalm (54)
  183. wzmohrhrpgmb (48)
  184. Euu81
  185. Georgalases6d (36)
  186. budulan alina
  187. Tezenul (36)
  188. Anita Georgiana (27)
  189. StarRyan79 (44)
  190. uniqaso (48)
  191. 5audreye2391hp5 (30)
  192. iwuqulodo (47)
  193. ywetyc (28)
  194. Grinagees8 (50)
  195. ifyra (49)
  196. Goinse4 (43)
  197. asaxafe (45)
  198. uxilaro (37)
  199. yrohaly (48)
  200. 9sophiec353yg5 (41)
  201. Rementeraq6 (39)
  202. vinwin (32)
  203. ngocanh9382 (25)
  204. HoLLy (26)
  205. Konstantusges
  206. the8rswiki (26)
  207. i9bettours (26)
  208. ggrhbacom (35)

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