Ai dreptate dar cred c-o sa fie sub Assasin`s Creed la tot(grafica, storyline etc).
Ai dreptate dar cred c-o sa fie sub Assasin`s Creed la tot(grafica, storyline etc).
Pe tine nu te intereseaza ca esti fan al seriei, dar cum un joc de PS3 original o sa fie destul de scump nu stiu cati ar alege GTA-u(joc misto da cam plictisitor) in fata unora pe care poti sa le joci online si de care n-ai cum sa te plictisesti.
LE: Si ce tot au astea de la RockStar de repeta orasele in draci, doar 3 orase sunt in lumea asta Am si LCS si VCS si pot spune ca sunt.....
cand o sa apara GTA4 o sa fie mai cumparat decat oricare din jocurile enumerate de tine
in +, ce te face sa crezi ca GTA 4 nu se va putea juca online? si ce te face sa crezi ca o sa fie asa plictisitor? eu de ex. am terminat GTA3 de vreo 3-4 ori, GTA VC de vreo 3 ori si GTA SA de vreo 6 ori si intentionez sa termin si GTA4 de cateva ori , si crede-ma ca sunt multi altii la fel ca mine
Ptr PS3 nu cred ca o sa fie asa cumparat daca n-o sa fie si online play. Da sa fim seriosi,tu o sa-l cumperi sau o sa-l tragi de pe net?
Nu stiu de ce dar eu m-am plictisit de GTA, nu prea-mi place sa ma plimb fara rost prin orasele alea. Mai mult as prefera un Gran Turismo5 care are sute de masini si zeci de circuite sau F1 Championship.
Acum daca u l-ai terminat de n ori, felicitari! Eu n-as putea sa fac asta am terminat SA pe pc cu coduri si pe PS2 am facut doar cateva misiuni.
Stiu ca sunt multi carora le place GTA, da pe toti de-i stiu sunt au sub 15 ani. Si cati copii sub 15 ani o sa aibe PS3(care-i destul de scump)?
daca stii tu cativa care au sub 15 ani iti spun eu ca nu e peste tot la fel
de ce sa te plimbi fara rost prin orase... dupa ce termini misiunile poti sa faci rampage-uri, sa cauti toate pachetele ascunse, sa faci misiuni pt politie, pompieri si pt spital, sau poti pur si simplu sa te joci cu politia pana faci 6 stele, e chiar distractiv
Multi o sa treaca pe PS3 ca decat sa iti faci upgrade la calculator care trebuie facut mereu atlfel nu iti merge nimic mai bine iei un PS3(o sa se faca el vreo 15 mil in 1-2 ani)si joci jocuri trase de pe net pe o plasma.
cred ca e mai bine daca pun decat link-urile
dupa cum ziceam, jocul foloseste RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine)
NYC Politicians Outraged at GTA 4
Just 2 days after the release of the first Grand Theft Auto 4 trailer, the game has already struck a nerve with local politicians. NYDailyNews are reporting that political leaders are outraged, although other than voicing their concerns, no action seems to be being taken.
City Councilman Peter Vallone had this to say:
While the article goes on to spread misinformation (don't you just love the media?)Setting Grand Theft Auto in the safest big city in America would be like setting Halo in Disneyland.
Selling pornography to minors and killing prostitutes have never been required to advance through any of the GTA games, the former is not even possible due to the fact children never have, and never will be included in the series according to Dan Houser. Earning points for killing police officers is another inaccuracy.In previous incarnations, players advanced through the game by killing cops, selling pornography to children and killing prostitutes. Details of the latest version have not been released.
"The mayor does not support any video game where you earn points for injuring or killing police officers," said Jason Post, a spokesman for Mayor Bloomberg.
posibil sa ma insel... dar
Setting Grand Theft Auto in the safest big city in America would be like setting Halo in Disneyland.
iar NYC presupun ca vine de la new york city
printre cele mai sigure orase din america ? sigur
oricum... era de asteptat sa apara probleme
din cate imi aduc aminte san andreas a fost dat in judecata pt add-on-ul coffe in care puteai sa faci sex... wow... cat de periculos... mai periculos decat sa omori oameni pe strada, sa arunci masini in aer... etc. genii domne
mda... m-am mirat si eu de chestia asta...
au avut numai probleme din cauza asta, Rockstar sustinea ca mod-ul era facut in totalitate de cel care l-a pus pe internet, si tipul ala zicea ca scenele deja existau in joc doar ca erau "dezactivate" si el pur si simplu le-a "activat"
anul s-ar putea sa fie 2006
persnajul principal s-ar putea sa aiba vocea lui Vladimir Mashkov (Behind Enemy Lines)
just for fun:
vedeti jos pozele si comentariile in dreapta
Massive GTAIV Adverts In New York
Once again some more posters advertising Grand Theft Auto IV have been spotted in New York City, you may remember last month gaming blog Kotaku posted about some posters plastered around the city. Today, we have more of the same, except this time the posters are absolutely massive.
Click the picture to the right to see the scale of this thing, which is painted on a building in SoHo street.
Strangely enough, the general public won't have a clue what this is even advertising unless they visit the website address shown in comparitively small print at the bottom of the ad. Though perhaps that's a good thing considering what certain politicians are like these days.
GameInformer Already With Subscribers
Some luckly subscribers have already received their copy of GameInformer, the one with the world exclusive 10 page preview of Grand Theft Auto IV. There appear to be a few photographs of the magazine floating around, we of course aren't allowed to post them here, but as of yet we don't have anything transcribed. Keep refreshing as we'll post more info as we get it.
* The main character's name is Niko Bellic - based on the surname it is likely he is from a former Yugoslav country (perhaps Croatia, Serbia or Bosnia)
* Multiplayer modes are to be announced
* Since it's only New York, there will be no planes in the game (?)
* The game has an awesome soundtrack
* You will use a cell phone to call contacts
* You have a lot of free choice over what you do in the game - it isn't like previous games in the sense of just accepting missions and completing them, there's a lot more you can do this time.
* GameInformer played the Xbox 360 version
There's also an interesting quote which suggests the atmosphere on the streets in the game will be very lively.
Mesaj iniţiat de Dan Houser
* The protagonist's name is Niko Bellic. (Likely to be Crotian in origin)
* Niko was persuaded to move to Liberty City by his cousin Roman, who claimed to be living a wonderful life there with two beautiful women, fifteen sports cars, and lots of money etc, but he was infact telling a lie in order to hide his own failures. Roman is the only person you know in Liberty City at the beginning of the game, and he becomes one of your major connections at the start. Niko is a tough character whereas Roman is friendly. Roman is heavily in debt and a lot of people are after him - he needs Niko's support. They are constantly bickering.
* Variations in the terrain cause realistic changes in the walking animation of Niko. The physics have also improved and character movements are more realistic.
* Multiplayer will exist, but it will be something that coincides with single-player and will not be an MMO.
* The MetLife building now bears the name Getalife, the Statue of Liberty is now the Statue of Happiness, and DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is called BOABO (Beneath the Offramp of the Algonquin Bridge Overpass).
* In Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar have recreated 4 of the 5 boroughs in New York, as well as part of New Jersey. Broker is the GTA IV equivalent of Brooklyn, Manhattan is now called Algonquin, Queens is now Dukes, the Bronx is Bohan, and New Jersey is Alderney.
* There is only one city. There may be motorcycles, but there will be no planes, rollerblades or unicycles, and I wouldn't expect jetpacks or Harriers. Rockstar wants the city to feel realistic and fit the style of the character.
* The city is almost as large as San Andreas, but will not have any useless space like countryside or desert. Every space will be cram-packed with detail.
* The city will be highly contrasted between daytime and nighttime.
* Freedom is emphasized. You continue to take orders from mission givers, but you are not forced to spend your time being a slave to them. You can go see who you want to, practically when you want to. You just call someone up and see if they are available.
* The story unfolds in a number of different ways. R* is giving people more freedom, more choice and more sense of control over their destiny - the structure of the storyline is quite different to previous games.
* Contacts will be called from your cell phone. It's LCD screen has options for Phonebook, Messages, Organizer and Camera. Niko's Phonebook has options such as: City Contact, Docks Friend, and Cab Contact. The cell phone will allow the player to call contacts instead of meeting them in person, which should make the player feel more independent.
* Game Informer playtested the Xbox 360 version. It is to be identical to the PS3 version except for episodic content.
* The voice talent for GTA IV will be less big names and more suited to the characters. The soundtrack will also be geared more towards the feel of the city and less focused on big names.
* The game will load once and then never again, and not even during interior transitions.
* It is implied that there will be greater emphasis on pedestrian AI, and they will come with all sorts of temperaments. They will also be seen doing realistic things like smoking a cigarette, reading a book, sitting on a bench, etc.
* You will also see a lot more of pedestrian criminals being arrested by the police.
* Rockstar have now spent over 3 years developing the game, and Dan Houser compares the leap from GTA III to GTA IV, to the leap from GTA to GTA III.
uh... dar initial cand am deschis threadu si am citit primu' site pus de ovisebdan, am inteles ceva despre faptul ca nu exista posibilitati de zbor . True?
Rockstar Games Era - A Video
P.S. GTAIV se petrece in 2007At the end of the R* Broadcast was a link to a video put together by Rockstar with clips from a number of their most famous titles. The video is to celebrate a "proper era of digital entertainment" with the message "on to the next".
Before I even watched the trailer I noticed a few inconsistencies in the Roman numerals used by Rockstar, and a few other sites seem to have also picked up on this.
This image is what was shown in the broadcast email, the Roman numerals here translate to 1918 - 2007. Odd, seeing as the R* Games label was formed in 1998 (the Roman numerals in the footer of R*'s site confirm this). Further, the features page on Rockstar's website in addition to the trailer itself display the Roman numerals MCXVIII - MMVII, translating to 1118 - 2007. Now 1118 as a year doesn't really make any sense here, but as a date, November 18th? We're not sure why different dates are being used, or whether it's a genuine error.
UPDATE: It was just a typo.
Above, the video itself, a great compilation of many clips from many great titles. The titles shown include nearly all of the Grand Theft Auto series, May Payne, Manhunt, Bully, Midnight Club, Table Tennis, and Red Dead Revolver.
The song in the video by the way, you will probably all recognise from San Andreas as it was featured on the K-DST radio station. It is called Eminence Front, by The Who.
P.P.S. mai nou, sunt "obsedat" de GTA pt ca pun aici stiri despre GTAIV si pt ca am modificat alte GTA-uri si ca alte jocuri nu stiu sa mai joc (de parca stie ca ma joc numai GTA ), primesc si reputatie negativa pt asta s
GameInformer Q&A
We're gearing up for a huge Game Informer Unlimited, and we're betting you have a lot of questions about the May World Exclusive Cover Story about Grand Theft Auto IV. There's only one person at Game Informer that has actually seen the game in action, and that's Game Informer's Andrew Reiner.
So what do you want to know about Rockstar's latest creation? Ask Reiner! We're not going to guarantee Reiner will be able to answer all of your questions, but he's going to try!
Send an e-mail to with all of your Grand Theft Auto questions, and we'll have a list of questions and answers in the May 2007 edition of Game Informer Unlimited (which launches Monday, April 23rd).
Feel free to add your name, age, and location if you want to be credited with your question. If you want to be anonymous, that's fine too! Just let us know.
All of the Ask Reiner About Grand Theft Auto IV Questions will be cut off at 5pm CST on Thursday, April 19th. What are you waiting for? Send all of your Grand Theft Auto IV questions to!
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