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Grand Theft Auto 4

  1. #81
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    pe 28 iunie va aparea al 2-lea trailer numit "Looking for that special someone"

    trailer-ul va aparea la ora 12PM EDT (EST)

    Yahoo Games: Exclusive GTA IV Content All Next Week

    Starting this coming Monday, June 25th (or tomorrow the 22nd?), Yahoo Games will have a week full of exclusive GTA IV content which according to YG's GTA IV page will include all of the trailers, gameplay movies, new characters, screenshots, an interview with Rockstar, and all of the latest news and information on the game.

  2. #82
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    ce putem vedea in trailer:

    • Hanging onto the back of trucks and the bottom of helicopters
    • Motorcycles with full face helmets
    • Open trunks and duffel bags (possibly for concealed and carried weapons)
    • Real time bullet damage to the vehicles (sides and windshield)
    • Increased Police AI
    • Gunfight cover system
    • Bank Heist mission/scene with N.O.O.S.E. raid
    • In car dashboard point of view
    • Commercial helicopter and attack helicopter
    Vrei mai putine reclame? Inregistreaza-te sau logheaza-te

  3. #83
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  4. #84
    Keelah se'lai! ovisebdan's Avatar ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta
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    Ukrainian Voice Actor Confirmed

    The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2004, Ruslana, will go to New York to record the sound of the popular computer game GTA (Grand Theft Auto). The character which will use Ruslana's voice is kept a secret. Furthermore, songs from her previous albums and from the new album will be used as soundtracks for the game.
    GamesTM - New Gameplay Details

    * Our time with Niko Bellic began in Liberty City's equivalent of Times Square called Star Junction.
    * The population on the street wasn't that dense, possibly due to the "early nature of the code".
    * The way Niko moved with muscularity and purpose. His sense of balance and weight, even his face expressions - none of it seems forced.
    * Niko uses his mobile phone (cellphone) and calls up his associate 'Little Jacob' a Caribbean arms dealer. Most possibly this guy, whose artwork circulated on the net and in some previews, few weeks ago.
    * After your chat with 'Little Jacob', he tells you to meet him in an alleyway in Rotterdam Hill.
    * You can skip taxi rides for convenience, or enjoy it in full from a first person viewpoint, allowing you to soak in the sights of Liberty City.
    * You can slip Little Jacob some money.
    * Niko receives another phone call from a shady lawyer Goldberg, of Goldberg , Ligner & Shyster.
    * Niko can enter an internet cafe and upload his CV to their website, he's going to get himself an interview and then kill Goldberg.
    * The Internet Cafe is called Tw@ Cafe, another returning brand from Grand Theft Auto III.
    * Niko can hop onto PC's and start surfing away.
    * GTA IV's web is accessible from any computer in the game. Though it is still unknown how much breadth the interweb of GTA World is going to take.
    * Once Niko has uploaded his CV, he will receive a Phone Call to confirm his interview time.
    * Unlike past GTA's, this mission can interrupted, your interview isn't till the next day, so you're free to carry out your business till then.
    * Any carry out your business you will, as it's time to pay the nefarious McReary a visit at Castle Gardens, the coast-side hangout overlooking The Statue of Happiness (Statue of Liberty).
    * McReary has had a Memory Stick stolen from him which contains sensitive data, and he wants you to get it back for him.
    * Niko gets in a cab and heads to the meeting point that McReary has arranged.
    * When Niko gets to the river, he sees people, but he doesn't know who is who, so he pulls that trusty mobile phone and gives him a call, so he can see who pulls out a phone, Clever hey.
    * Niko draws his weapon, casually walks upto the guy who answered the phone and puts three bullets in the back of his head, he grabs the memory stick and starts running, with a three star wanted level in tow.
    * Any crime you commit will give you a wanted level.
    * Jack a car anywhere and you'll get a star because there are witnesses.
    * Instead of cops just screaming to your position though, the star rating your given translates to a visible search area on the radar, if you manage to escape the search circular search area, then your wanted level will flash and disappear.
    * If you're spotted though, the center of the circle changes to your position, and you'll have to start again.
    * This opens up numerous options, as the police only operate on their own line of sight, if they can't see you, they can't stop you.
    * In GTA IV, every street is named, and the police use this information to hunt you down.
    * If you're spotted on Star Junction in a Comet, for example, you'll hear it on the police radio.
    * During our time with Niko, he escapes the clutches of the law with a clever vehicle switch.
    * After outfoxing a pursuing police car with a hard right turn, Bellic speeds into a nearby car park, neatly obscured by a bridge. Quickly, he jumps out of his vehicle breaks into another and calmly cruises out of the search zone. Of course had he been spotted committing this further felony, the search would have changed, and most likely widened.
    * Before the interview Niko goes to Perseus, a menswear store and spends $2,000 on a suit and shoes.
    * Bellic's phone alarm sounds - it's time for the interview and he heads off to carry out his duty.
    * After a brief chat with the receptionist from outside the building via the intercom, Bellic wanders casually into the offices.
    * Niko enters Goldberg's office, where the unsuspecting lawyer seems more than happy to see him, that is until Niko pulls a gun and points it at Goldberg's head.
    * Goldberg then rears back in fear, but before he can plead for his life, he has a bullet in his skull.
    * He slumps to the floor, and his secretary, alerted by the noise, runs into the room and sounds the alarm.
    * Unsurprisingly the office security and police aren't just going to let Niko walk out onto the streets, he's going to have to fight.
    * Immediately Niko is confronted by an overweight pistol-wielding security guard, Niko takes cover and fires blind shots in order to pin his opponent down, he then pops out, takes aim and puts two bullets in the security guards heart.
    * As Niko continues his firefight to escape the offices, he speeds toward the front desk as bullets rain down from the newly arrived police, slamming into cover and blindly spraying Uzi fire into the distance.
    * So in a hail of blood and bullets, Niko takes down the first wave of police onslaught, his three star wanted level providing a far greater obstacle than ever before.
    * As Niko carries his now battered frame outside, the noise of a police chopper rattles overhead.
    * The sound is incredibly loud, overbearing and overpowering.
    * The gunfight is now far more intense. According to the magazine, it's closest resemblance is Gears Of War. It also states, "The gun battle in Michael Mann's film Heat is often referenced as the Holy Grail for videogame combat, and Grand Theft Auto IV may have cracked it".
    * Sadly Bellic didn't last much longer, his lifeless corpse lies prone on the Tarmac.
    * The mechanics of the firefights are now rock hard.
    * As Niko sprints past pedestrians, they reel in shock, if he bumps into them, they move.
    * You can even push people out of the way by simply walking into them.
    * Your mobile phone acts as a calendar, a vessel for text messages, an alarm and even a camera.
    * In a screenshot in the magazine, Niko was seen doing drive-by with a Glock. It may suggests that drive-by is no more dependent only on the SMGs.

  5. #85
    Mintrubber 764's Avatar 764 reprezinta o cantitate neglijabila
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    jocul e foarte realist

  6. #86
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    jocul e foarte realist
    nu te cred

  7. #87
    Mintrubber 764's Avatar 764 reprezinta o cantitate neglijabila
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    fiecare cu pararea lui

  8. #88
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    fiecare cu pararea lui

    ma omori
    de sarcasm ai auzit?

  9. #89
    Everybody lies 2shae's Avatar 2shae este o comoara de om 2shae este o comoara de om 2shae este o comoara de om 2shae este o comoara de om
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    i am looking forward to playing this game....banuiesc ca o sa fie super dar nu prea stiu ce ar mai putea baga in plus inafara de masini si orase

  10. #90
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    Niko e rus

    New GTA IV Details From PLAY Magazine

    A few new details on GTA IV can be seen in the newest edition of PLAY magazine, a lot of the preview though is sadly just like Monday's GamesTM preview. The magazine is a UK-only magazine, and should be on store shelves right now, or very soon! Below are some of the highlights from said preview:

    * "Little Jacob", an arm's dealer is said to be a good friend of Niko's cousin, you can buy weapons from him. The weapon's are in the trunk of his car, and the method used to purchase the weapons is very similar to the way you would buy weapons from an Ammu-Nation in the other GTA's.
    * Niko meets with "Little Jacob" in Rotterdam Hill, in Alderney (the game's recreation of New Jersey).
    * Niko ends up killing Goldberg, the lawyer, as a "favor". (This will most likely be a mission.)
    * Rockstar showed off Goldberg's death twice, both were completely different from each other. (Which makes you think, there will probably be many ways to complete a single mission.)
    * There were no arrow's on top of certain people you had to kill, you have to figure out who to gun-down on your own.
    * Multiplayer is accessed through Niko's cell phone. (GTA IV will most likely not have a menu like the other installments I suppose.)
    * You must maintain and develop relationships with people and friends. (You maintain them by being loyal to the person, etc.) If this means Niko could have a girlfriend if he maintains a relationship with a certain women is unknown at the moment.
    * You can use objects as cover, blind fire, and roll around. (Somewhat like Gears Of War!)
    * McReary, is the "corrupt cop", and he has "dirt on Niko's past".
    * PLAY previewed a mission by the name of "Call And Collect".
    Minor New Details From OPM Australia - August Issue

    Despite the "Demo-II" were majorly covered on GamesTM and Play (UK) previews earlier this week, this preview still has got some new tidbits of information to offer.
    - Cops now can crouch to improve their accuracy for the long-range shot at you.

    - Like in San Andreas, eating and sleeping will allow you to recharge your health, though you won't find any health pick-up floating around the city.

    - Though no countryside element to appear in GTA IV, Central park's immense size will offer a variety of off-road gestures.

    - Cars which are locked is going to take a lot of time than before to sit in. Also, it increases the tension significantly when you're on the run from cops and deciding whether you are going to jack in the car.

    - Niko's phone will have his contact list, A daily calendar & organizer (through it, perhaps, you can choose for whom and when you want go for a mission), text messaging, camera and multiplayer option.

  11. #91
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    Niko NU e rus!

    A Few GTA IV Details From OXM

    The September(?) issue of US Official Xbox Magazine has brought with it a few more details about GTA IV:

    * Little Jacob offered weapons including a 9mm pistol, a shotgun, an SMG, and a micro SMG
    * McReary's first name is Francis, and he knows about a felony Niko committed
    * Another vehicle is confirmed as it is noted that Niko stole a black Comet before heading off to the Humboldt River Viewpoint to kill the man who has McReary's memory stick.
    * Before Niko submitted his C.V. to the Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster website, OXM noticed that his C.V. notes that he was on the "Balkan Peace Force" and that he is adept at swimming, shooting and boxing.
    * Karen is the name of the receptionist from Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster, who calls Niko to notify him of his interview. It's not known if she is an important character or not.
    * There are no references to the September 11th terrorist attacks anywhere in the game.
    * Swimming is a confirmed feature

    The "Balkan Peace Force" fact is more evidence that Niko is not Russian. There are still some websites saying he is - an editor recently made the mistake of saying Niko is a Russian immigrant. Now if you remember back to the last time OXM had a preview, you might recall the following quote from Dan Houser:

    OXM: You've talked about picking culturally different neighbourhoods. Can you reveal any of the gang cultures apart from the Russians?

    Dan Houser: I can't reveal gangs too much yet, but one of the things that appealed to us about a) this character (who isn't actually Russian, he's Eastern European, although there will be plenty of Russian gangsters in there) and b ) the story and the world [...]
    GTA IV Preview in Games Aktuell

    German magazine Games Aktuell has a new preview on GTA IV, which also includes 20 new screenshots. There were a few tidbits of information flying around the other day, supposedly from this magazine - there were some very sketchy details in it, specifically regarding K9 Units - it turns out these were fabricated by another GameFAQs user. This info below however, is real information from the magazine, translated into English.

    * The girl in the artwork (sucking the lollipop) is called Lola
    * Taxi drivers play a very important role in Liberty City - With just a push of a button, Niko can get a ride from "A to B" straight away.
    * Additionally, the taxi driver will fulfil some of Niko's requests, for example if Niko is hungry, the cab will drive him to the nearest fast food restaurant. If hurt, then he'll drive to the hospital - places are accessible very quickly this way.
    * The only time you can't get a cab ride is when the cops are after you
    * On that note, cops appear on your map as dots (while they're searching for you)
    * The preview Games Aktuell were shown lasted 45 minutes - it was played twice
    * Similar to Saints Row, your radar will display a yellow line guiding you to your destination
    * It takes Niko roughly 3 seconds to hot-wire a vehicle.
    * The targeting system is improved and there are different hit zones
    * Niko uses his mobile phone and the Internet regularly
    * The editors reported seeing vehicles including Ferraris, Porsche Carrera (Comet), Volkswagen Jetta, BMWs, Mustangs, SUVs, delivery vans and garbage trucks.
    * Rockstar demonstrated the game to Games Aktuell on a 60" plasma screen, which didn't have Full HD capability - "this didn't matter because all Rockstar games are programmed "only" in 720p, with 1280x720 pixels" - this is an interesting quote as a lot of people have wondered whether they'll get to play the game in full 1080i/p resolution, seems like it will just be 720p for now, at least on the Xbox 360. It's not known whether the PS3 version will be able to take advantage of the higher resolution. Of course, both consoles can always upscale the game.

  12. #92
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    Massive GTA4 preview by Kikizo

    Just as promised earlier, Kikizo has released a staggering 10-page preview of Grand Theft Auto 4. This preview has an incredible amount of information. Kikizo notes this as well, claiming every other gaming magazine and website "missed important information."

    * Niko is regularly referred to as 'Nikolai' in the demo
    * Little Jacob (the gun dealer) is from Dukes (the Liberty City version of Queens)
    * En route to Rotterdam, Kikizo spotted a pizza store selling food for 99 cents and a cocktail bar with a bright pink sign called "Bahama Mamas"
    * Kikizo started in Star Junction (Times Sqare) early in the October morning, a possible suggestion of season changes
    * The neon-lit Junction is "dazzling" at night
    * There is a theatre called "T.S. Pirate at the Thespian Theatre" as well as a camera store called "Liberty Cameras". Kikizo said that it seemed like the same exact camera store they bought their camera in in real life.
    * All animations look "like they should," especially with unique NPCs like overweight policemen
    * Phone calls extend the concept of non-linear gameplay, according to Rockstar.
    Whereas past GTA games have been about accepting missions, now that line is blurry and you actively take more of a part in telling the story yourself.
    # Weapons in GTA4 are a "precious commodity" and are "not easy to acquire"
    # Little Jacob had a 9mm, an SMG, and a Micro SMG in his car for sale for $100 each, which wasn't "breaking the bank" as the demo started Kikizo off with $7500
    # Animations are always "superb."
    # Kikizo reported that they had no concern whatsoever on technical issues in the game, other than when they slowly pan the camera, the windows on the buildings begin to get jittery as they reflect the world. They also noted this is not the case in typical game scenarios.
    # Niko Bellic is 'a small fish in a big pond'.
    # Niko will whistle to get a cab's attention, then press "Y" (on the Xbox 360 controller) to get inside. You're given the options to relax and watch the ride, do a trip skip, or pay double for the driver to go twice as fast.
    # The player views the world from Niko's perspective while in the cab and you can interact with the driver while he is driving you.
    # The game is now fully confirmed to make extensive use of HDR lighting.
    # Car/person interaction physics are now fully in place, meaning if a car suddenly brakes, the people inside are thrown forward.
    # The interiors/exteriors are completely seamless and the outside world can be heard, muffled, from the inside.
    # Advertisements in the Tw@ internet cafe claim internet access for $1, offer "totally wireless" internet, and accept credit cards.
    # Niko has his own, unique computer account so he is able to access his information from any computer in Liberty City.
    # The mouse cursor is controlled with the analog stick.
    # Niko's fake resume claims his objective is to "rise to the top of my profession in Liberty City," that he has experience in criminal law with cases like manslaughter under his belt. He also claims that he deals with the emerging markets in the West Indies (especially 'Jamaica and Puerto Rico'). He also claims to have been the associate attorney at Mediterranean Shipping Enterprise, and an intern at a police force. His school is supposedly 'Walford University' in the UK.
    # Rockstar wants to use the phone as 'the primary gateway into Niko's life,' as it has his contacts, an organizer, a dailing calendar, text messaging, and a camera
    # Several advertisements can be heard on the radio (although these may be placeholder)
    # The game engine has sounds that can compete with the likes of "Forza Motorsport" and "Project Gotham Racing"
    # The cars react to every bit of "undulation" in the road
    # The camera angle is slightly over to the driver's side to give the player a better line of sight, but there are still many different angles and the camera may be moved
    # Cars have a full-GPS system in place, which show recommended routes for missions
    # Pedestrians are incredibly detailed, with the game including peds who are bored waiting at bus stops, people talking on various payphones and cell phones, people smoking, etc...
    # Inside of the cab you can change the next music track if you'd like.
    # There is an astonishing level of detail with every object in the game, with textures being varied on every sidewalk, street, and surface
    # Car lights light up "convincingly" and reflect the street and the surroundings.
    # The graphical quality is the best Kikizo has seen in any next-generation game
    # Street names show up in the corner like districts have in past GTA games
    # In Kikizo's journey towards the park (for the mission in which Niko must retrieve a memory stick for McReary), they passed through "Chinatown, Presidents City, Lancet, Hatton Gardens, Middle Park East, and a stretch of freeway, on to Lancaster, and Ruby Street."
    # The name of Niko's cell phone network is "Whiz."
    # The wanted level system uses "line of sight" to pinpoint Niko's location and catch him. The player must escape the search radius he gets when a wanted level is attained, but if an officer spots Niko, the search radius will be instantly reset to his position
    # Once Niko has the memory stick, he must greet McReary by "heading down Cod Row, Denver Avenue, Exeter Avenue and stop at Northwood / East Holland."
    # To get the suit for the interview, Niko must go "to Silicon Street, through Quartz Street, and Middle Park East."
    # Niko must buy a "chocolate" suit for $1000 and some nice shoes for $200
    # To get to the law firm, Niko must go "past Star Junction, The Triangle, Easton, Chinatown, Diamond Street, and Calcium Street."
    # Niko can take cover behind almost anything, auto-target, manually aim, or blind-fire
    # Many things were still kept secret about the game. Kikizo was forced to leave the room while Rockstar worked with "secret menu stuff" after Niko was "wasted" by police in the demo.

    au aparut si niste screenshot-uri noi pe care le puteti vedea aici

  13. #93
    De-al casei madd_dogg's Avatar madd_dogg reprezinta o cantitate neglijabila
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    Totusi orasu\orasele cum se numesc ???

  14. #94
    Keelah se'lai! ovisebdan's Avatar ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta
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    Totusi orasu\orasele cum se numesc ???
    Broker (Brooklyn)
    Dukes (Queens)
    Algonquin (Manhattan)
    Bohan (Bronx)
    Alderney (New Jersey)

    in paranteza sunt orasele din realitate (NY)

  15. #95
    De-al casei madd_dogg's Avatar madd_dogg reprezinta o cantitate neglijabila
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    Broker (Brooklyn)
    Dukes (Queens)
    Algonquin (Manhattan)
    Bohan (Bronx)
    Alderney (New Jersey)

    in paranteza sunt orasele din realitate (NY)
    Si New York e Liberty City Abia astept sa apara... dar din cate stiu eu apare intai pe PS3 si pe XBox

  16. #96
    Keelah se'lai! ovisebdan's Avatar ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta
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    Si New York e Liberty City Abia astept sa apara... dar din cate stiu eu apare intai pe PS3 si pe XBox
    a zis cineva ca o sa mai apara si pe altceva?

  17. #97
    De-al casei madd_dogg's Avatar madd_dogg reprezinta o cantitate neglijabila
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    a zis cineva ca o sa mai apara si pe altceva?
    cred ca da da' nu ma intreba

  18. #98
    Keelah se'lai! ovisebdan's Avatar ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta
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    cred ca da da' nu ma intreba
    nu cred ca ai inteles
    prin postul de mai sus am zis ca nu o sa apara pe altceva (nu se stie sigur, dar e foarte probabil)

  19. #99
    De-al casei madd_dogg's Avatar madd_dogg reprezinta o cantitate neglijabila
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    nu cred ca ai inteles
    prin postul de mai sus am zis ca nu o sa apara pe altceva (nu se stie sigur, dar e foarte probabil)

  20. #100
    Keelah se'lai! ovisebdan's Avatar ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta ovisebdan este deja o vedeta
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    GTA IV Delayed!

    Today, Rockstar Games published a press release detailing that the launch for Grand Theft Auto IV has been pushed back from October this year. It is now scheduled for release in the second quarter of fiscal year 2008 which begins on October 31st 2007 for Rockstar. We are looking at a delay of a few months for the game, somewhere between February and April.

    From the press release:
    Take-Two is reducing its fiscal 2007 guidance primarily to reflect the movement of the launch of Grand Theft Auto IV for the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from the fourth quarter of fiscal 2007 to fiscal 2008, due to additional development time required to complete the title. The title is now planned for release in the Company’s second quarter of fiscal 2008.
    Strauss Zelnick, Chairman of Take-Two, stated:
    With Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar is setting a new standard for next generation video games. Certain elements of development proved to be more time-intensive than expected, especially given the commitment for a simultaneous release on two very different platforms. We all recognize that perfecting the game is vital and I can assure everyone it will be worth the wait. We owe it to the game’s millions of fans, to our dedicated development team, and to our shareholders to make sure that Grand Theft Auto IV is a groundbreaking gaming experience that takes maximum advantage of next generation technology.
    atata timp cat nu apare pt PC pe mine nu ma intereseaza ce se intampla cu el
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