Mini statii pt taxiuri (maxim 3 locuri)

  1. bayla
    A great little report on improving taxi services in downtown areas. Think of a mini taxi stand…

    taxi design for the futurethat a person could walk up to, press a button and have a light pop-up for any taxi to see and for them to look for intrigued me with it’s beautiful simplicity. Taxis could also simply take a quick break in one of these to wait for a person to enter the taxi, preventing endless cruising around the city…

    All it would take to have a safer, more convenient, high class taxi pick-up and drop-off system is giving up a few dozen free or metered parking spaces per neighborhood, which may be a nice side benefit in that it would reduce the incentive to drive to that area and take mass transit or walk instead.

  2. Bu2
    Da,dar cine crezi ca se va ocupa de asa ceva? La noi nu se astupa gropile dar sa mai faca alte nebunii..
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