pt ca se tot vorbeste de un meet pe topicul initial si nimeni nu ia atitudine..lansez meet??
pt ca se tot vorbeste de un meet pe topicul initial si nimeni nu ia atitudine..lansez meet??
women have their fault,men only two,everything they say, everything they do
My similing licence has been suspended...there is no gold at the end of the rainbow
kandya, Trabook, Aetana! x3
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hai! la asta vin pt ca o sa fie foarte ciudat si foarte funny!
free 4 every1
Si eu vreau sa vin.
Unde? Cand? Cum?
intai sa ne adunam mai multi si apoi in 2 saptamanibanuiesc,avand in vedere ca o sa mai fie unul pe 15
women have their fault,men only two,everything they say, everything they do
My similing licence has been suspended...there is no gold at the end of the rainbow
kandya, Trabook, Aetana! x3
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atunci stai acasa
women have their fault,men only two,everything they say, everything they do
My similing licence has been suspended...there is no gold at the end of the rainbow
kandya, Trabook, Aetana! x3
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hm.. sa vin, sa nu vin...
let me see now.. stay home, drink beer and watch sum` pr0n orrrr go on a meeting and hug a bunch of dudes .... hm... tricky!..
oh yeah.. heeeeeeeeeeeeeell no!
Colors made sounds in his mind. And he learned to play those sounds on his instrument. Green, with its infinite variations, was his most subtle harmony. The Listeners came, took him from his home to a house in a deep Deciduous Forest and listened as his music was played through perfect speakers on the roof of his house.
free bewbyehug meet
Last edited by Dadi; 22-05-2007 at 09:47. Motiv: economie de spatiu ;)
eu cu inca vreo 20 de colegi/prieteni am fost ieri in centru
daca nu se face urat afara (adica daca nu ploo), mergem si azi la 5, dar in parc. in centru au fost mult prea multi tarani care scriau pe coli "free p**a" si le aratau la lume..deh, civilizatia asta
ps: i-am luat in brate, pe langa altii, si pe drako si pe solomon (teh mayor)
did you ever have that feeling when you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?
la 5 in parc...cred ca vin mai vin
Last edited by morbid_boy; 19-05-2007 at 11:09.
Oare cum miros morcovii daca nu au nas?
potoliti-va cu jignirile! puteti sa aveti pareri contradictorii si fara sa va insultati.
oh, that's a very mature attitude ......da, spam la el si offtopic la tine
nu v-a intrebat nimeni daca va place sau nu ideea. threadul este o propunere de meet, deci acceptati sau .....shut up!!!!
Last edited by Dadi; 19-05-2007 at 13:25. Motiv: ca sa ne fie clar
in principiu la 5. noi oricum suntem in parc pana seara
did you ever have that feeling when you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?
aoleu...unde se ajunge... damn... viitorul suna spooky.
cand va intalniti? ca sa trec si eu pe-acolo, 'din intamplare' sa vad grozavia?
in 10 minute. la 5, mai exact.
daca vrea cineva sa vina, 0724 58 44 11
did you ever have that feeling when you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?
pfoa...abia acum vazui topicu
stiam ca mai era un topic dar fusese inchis...
IRONÍE, ironii, s.f. Vorbă, frază, expresie, afirmație care conține o ușoară batjocură la adresa cuiva sau a ceva, folosind de obicei semnificații opuse sensului lor obișnuit; zeflemea, persiflare.
"The best part of falling is getting back up again." -David Belle
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