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MU Online

Pentru impatimitii de MU

  1. Post Sticky Sticky: Cele mai tari servere de mu

    intrati si cautati .... ca primele trei sunt: 1.MU GODS 2.HELLENTRY MU 3.MU TWILIGHT mai sunt ShadowMu, TosaMu,Destiny mu.....:)

    Inceput de neparion_kundum, 25-11-2006 22:42
    7 Paginile
    1 2 3 4 ... 7
    • 131 / 74,811
    05-09-2024, 20:19 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  2. Sticky Sticky: ATENTIE! - Reguli promovare servere!

    Aceste sectiuni se supun regulilor craiovaforum, dar putem face exceptie in cazul promovarii de servere cu urmatoarele conditii: Anunturile de promovare servere se pun pe acest site doar cu acordul moderatorilor / administratorilor craiovaforum! Nu aveti voie sa discutati sau sa trageti la...

    Inceput de AlexSUN, 20-06-2014 12:35
    muonline, promovare, reguli, servere de mu
    • 0 / 7,529
    20-06-2014, 12:35 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  3. Vrei mai putine reclame? Inregistreaza-te sau logheaza-te daca ai deja cont.
  1. MU50x 97d+99i OldSchool

    > Experience:50x > Drop: 25% > Version: 97D+99I > Created Character : > All Maps have Spots max 7 mobs WebSite: Here Vote System: ONLINE WebShop System: ONLINE

    Inceput de Kur@ma, 08-02-2025 18:07
    =, box, comand, credits, info, online, random, reset, reward, system
    • 0 / 9
    08-02-2025, 18:07 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  2. DemonuMu Premium Original 97d+99i Exp 80x Drop 30% Grand Opening 1/2/2025

    Basic information about DemonuMu! (HOT!) Grand Opening of the server fresh start join Shop Potion Girl Lorencia+Stadium have in shop wings lvl 1 no option or luck Character protection 32767 you have reached the maximum points on Strength VipSystem MinGrandResets 15 and have 25 days vip but...

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 26-01-2025 22:37
    • 6 / 469
    08-02-2025, 16:14 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  3. HeLL-Ice Mu Online SEASON 3

    HeLL-Ice Mu Online WEBSITE LINK Reset Database at 11.01.2025 23:59 Server opening:12.01.2025 at 20:00 Standard Server Info Version: Season 3 Premium Experience: 1000x

    Inceput de mumonster, 03-11-2024 23:16
    =, hell-ice, link, mu, online, season, website
    • 9 / 1,955
    26-01-2025, 19:48 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  4. DemonuMu Premium Original 97d+99i Exp 500x Drop 50% Grand Opening 4/1/2025

    Basic information about DemonuMu! (HOT!) Grand Opening of the server fresh start join Shop Potion Girl Lorencia+Stadium have in shop wings lvl 1 no option or luck Webshop exchange your resets for credits sell 1 reset you are rewarded 1 credits Character protection 32767 you have reached...

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 03-01-2025 17:53
    • 6 / 971
    24-01-2025, 13:59 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  5. Post Ultramu 9999XP Open Today

    Server 9999XP Grand Opening 24 January 2025 WEBSITE : Forum : Discord : Our goal is to have an internation long term servers, with regular updates, fixes and changes. In future, we would also like to open another...

    Inceput de astralmu00, 14-01-2025 21:54
    credits, free, gr, level, max, mu online, reset, resets, server, system
    • 1 / 210
    22-01-2025, 10:18 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  6. Cool ❤️️| - Season 6 Episode 19 - ✔️

    🔴 Wellcome to Global Mu S6 Ep19 🔴 Va salut baietii , numele meu este Darius , sunt un player de pe serverul de MuOnline " GlobalMu " . Va invit pe toti cei care doriti sa jucati pe un server frumos , calibrat , custom , care dispune de un sistem progresiv , alaturi de jucatori Romani , si nu...

    Inceput de sdarius, 21-01-2025 13:47
    -, ✔️, ❤️️|, days], 🌟, 🎁, episode,, max, season
    • 0 / 134
    21-01-2025, 13:47 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  7. CRUSHMU ➠ S6 + S20 150 EXP] [Balanced PvP] Epic Boss Fights/Farm & Play to Win💥

    WWW.CRUSHMU.COM Grand Opening 19th October 2024 13:00 (GMT+1) LONDON TIME DISCORD | FACEBOOK | YOUTUBE Welcome to CrushMU Main Thread! Today, we proudly introduce a MuOnline Server crafted by passionate players, for players. Our game concept revolves around Play/Farm/Hunt/Fight to win...

    Inceput de Enginer, 21-01-2025 02:58
    +, ◆, games, items, mmorpg, mu season6, muonline, private mu, rate
    • 0 / 407
    21-01-2025, 02:58 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  8. FortMU V2.0 X10 HARD | NO WEBSHOP | 10.01.2025


    Inceput de fortmu, 30-12-2024 09:20
    –, fortmu, hard, level, lvl, max, off, system, v2.0, x10
    • 3 / 454
    17-01-2025, 13:15 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  9. Smile Ultra MU 500x Grand-Opening 02 January 2025

    About IGCN Premium File ! WEBSITE : Forum : Discord Balance Server x500 Server Grand Opening 02 January 2025 Opening Time - 18:00 (+2 GMT) ! SERVER TIME : 18:00

    Inceput de astralmu00, 21-12-2024 11:22
    mu online, mu online server, server
    • 2 / 457
    02-01-2025, 14:29 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  10. ★DESTINY-ZONE | Experience 50-120 | Dynamic | Official Start | 08.02 2024 20:00

    https://mudestinyzone.comGRAND OPENING : 2 August Time zone in Bulgaria (GMT+3) 20:00 Start Your Adventure in DestinyZone World with our Registration Event . Event will start 5 Days before Grand Opening (02.08.2024) ! First 3 Players who have registered successfully will receive spicy rewards !...

    Inceput de expertion96, 21-07-2024 18:37
    ★reset, destinyzone, event, fully, muonline, season6, start, will, working, |
    • 5 / 1,753
    29-12-2024, 08:38 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  11. DemonuMu Premium Original 97d+99i Exp 100x Drop 60% Grand Opening 16/11/2024

    Basic information about DemonuMu! (HOT!) Grand Opening of the server fresh start join Shop Potion Girl Lorencia+Stadium have in shop wings lvl 1 no option or luck Webshop exchange your resets for credits sell 1 reset you are rewarded 1 credits Character protection 32767 you have reached...

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 10-11-2024 16:46
    • 11 / 1,624
    26-12-2024, 15:42 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  12. [14.09.24] INTERKASA MU Mordor x10 Grand Opening

    Hello dear MU players , we are happy to announce that we have finished the working on Mordor x10 second edition server. The official Grand Opening date is planned on : Thanks for patience and our team will have the biggest honour if you play the Interkasa MU Mordor x10 second edition. ...

    Inceput de r3zistant, 16-08-2024 12:07
    hot, interkasa, level, mordor, new, reset, system, x10, [14.09.24]
    • 15 / 2,541
    24-12-2024, 20:37 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  13. ⭐ EliteMU HARD x10 (NO WEBSHOP) - 6.DECEMBER

    Finally, the v3.0 of HARD x10 (NO WEBSHOP) server is ready for launch. We have improved bunch of things, so - if you liked the server before, then now - you will like it even more. Join Us ! INFORMATION ABOUT "HARD" x10 SERVER OPENING 6.DECEMBER (19:00 by Server Time) ELITEMU -...

    Inceput de elitemu14, 29-11-2024 23:50
    -, •, ⭐, elitemu, exp, hard, level, off, points, x10
    • 4 / 722
    21-12-2024, 17:51 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  14. Wink -=Anarchy Mu=- [Season 6] | Exp x30 | Drop 35% | Start [11/10/2024] =-

    AnarchyMu x30 OPENING 11.10.2024 20:00 UTC+3 Website: Anarchy MuOnline | Version: Season 6 | Exp: 30x Registration: Anarchy MuOnline | Season 6 | Exp: 30x

    Inceput de anarchymu, 13-10-2024 00:46
    anarchy, balanced, customs, event, invasion, mu, muonline server, pvp, season 6, system
    • 13 / 1,494
    17-12-2024, 17:33 Du-te la ultimul mesaj

    Server info:Sezon 8Episode 4 Xp 100 Drop 60x Unique Features: -MuRo Wings 4.1 -Automated Lottery -TheWeel -Unique quests -Unique Monster -Party istance

    Inceput de Jeanette, 18-05-2017 00:52
    • 7 / 2,683
    24-11-2024, 22:25 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  16. Cool MythMU Season 19 Part 2 3

    Official release day: December 1st 2024 Server Version: S20 Ep 1-2 Experience Rates: Dynamic 100x-50x | Master XP & Majestic XP: 100x Play Style: Reset | GR (100rr) FREEBIE: Starting Level 50 gift. Check your Gremory Case and Event Inventory! Beta Stage: Live Now! Max Stats: 32,767 |...

    Inceput de mythmu, 05-09-2024 20:16
    low, mythmu, nonreset, part, part 2.3, play2win, season, season 19, style
    • 1 / 1,038
    20-11-2024, 05:09 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  17. ⭐ EliteMU HIGH x1000 - 8 NOVEMBER

    Finally, the v3.0 of HIGH rate server is here and ready for launch ! Many things have been added, changed and improved, so - if you liked the server before, then now - you will like it even more. Join Us ! INFORMATION ABOUT "HIGH" x1000 SERVER OPENING 8.NOVEMBER (19:00 by Server Time)

    Inceput de elitemu14, 02-11-2024 00:38
    -, =, •, ⭐, elitemu, exp, gr, high, points, x1000
    • 2 / 812
    15-11-2024, 19:49 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  18. PHOENIXMU ➠ S6 + S19 [Reset Server] [300 EXP] [Balanced PvP] Epic Boss Fights/Farm

    WWW.PHOENIX-MU.COM Grand Opening 15th November 2024 08:00 (GMT+2) EUROPE TIME Welcome to Phoenix-Mu Main Thread! Today, we proudly introduce Phoenix-Mu, a MuOnline Server crafted by passionate players, for players! Our game concept revolves around Play/Farm/Hunt/Fight to win...

    Inceput de PhoenixMu, 13-11-2024 09:21
    • 1 / 749
    13-11-2024, 20:00 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  19. DangerLinK MU 98R * Max level: 350 * Max resets: 40 (will be max 5 from official launch) (Every sunday at 22:00 max res will rise with +2 resets) * Reset level: 350 * Keep stats: No * Reset points: BK - 400 ME - 420 SM - 430 MG - 450 * Reset Zen: 10 mil x Reset Number * Clear PK Zen: 20...

    Inceput de FrozenMU, 12-11-2024 09:56
    -, 98r, dangerlink, energy, level, mana, max, per, seconds, shield
    • 0 / 228
    12-11-2024, 09:56 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  20. Pretty Womans from your city - Verified Ladies

    Beautiful Girls from your town for night

    Inceput de muserver, 11-11-2024 12:56
    -, city, from, ladies, pretty, verified, womans, your
    • 0 / 577
    11-11-2024, 12:56 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  21. Cool DemonuMu Premium Original 97d+99i Exp: 9999x Drop: 99% Max Resets: 15 Fresh Start!

    Basic information about DemonuMu! (HOT!) Webshop exchange your resets for credits sell 1 reset you are rewarded 1 credits Character protection 32767 you have reached the maximum points on Strength Grand Opening of the server fresh start join Shop Potion Girl Lorencia+Stadium have in shop...

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 07-08-2024 12:43
    2 Paginile
    1 2
    • 24 / 4,459
    05-11-2024, 15:01 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  22. NORTHMU ➠ S6 + S19 [Reset Server] [300 EXP] [Balanced PvP] Epic Boss Fights/Farm & Play to Win💥

    WWW.NORTHMU.COM Grand Opening 19th October 2024 13:00 (GMT+1) LONDON TIME DISCORD | FACEBOOK | YOUTUBE Welcome to NorthMU Main Thread! Today, we proudly introduce a MuOnline Server crafted by passionate players, for players. Our game concept revolves around Play/Farm/Hunt/Fight to win...

    Inceput de Enginer, 12-10-2024 15:36
    #muonline, #muonlineadventures, #muonlinebosses, #muonlinecommunity, #muonlinefans, #muonlinegame, #muonlinequests, +, ◆, rate
    • 3 / 1,123
    25-10-2024, 12:44 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  23. ⭐ EliteMU LOW x30 OPENING - SEPTEMBER 6

    Finally, the v3.0 of LOW x30 server is ready for launch. Since the second edition, which was launched 1 year ago, we have improved bunch of things, so - if you liked the server before, then now - you will like it even more. Join Us ! INFORMATION ABOUT "LOW" x30 SERVER OPENING 6.SEPTEMBER...

    Inceput de elitemu14, 23-08-2024 18:16
    -, •, ⭐, elitemu, exp, level, low, off, points, x30
    • 7 / 1,361
    21-10-2024, 12:19 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  24. Mu4FuN Season3 Episode 1 Exp:200x Drop 100 Open 3/11/2019 Hour 21:00 +2GTM

    Server Name: Mu4FuN - Website : Version: Season III - Experience: 100x - Item drop: 50% - Monster HP: 100%

    Inceput de muserver, 11-03-2019 16:15
    5 Paginile
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    • 89 / 7,937
    18-10-2024, 19:44 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  25. EntropyMU - Season 6 - EXP 50 - Grand Opening 11.10.2024

    Grand Opening TODAY - 11.10.2024 - H:20:00 >>> ENTROPHYMU WEBSITE <<< >>> FORUM - ALL INFORMATION <<< HOT Features Transmogrification system - change your character looks with visual items that dont provide any power you can transmog all armor slots, wings, weapon and shield Transmog -...

    Inceput de kNz92, 11-10-2024 07:39
    -, entropymu, exp, grand, invasion, items, max, season
    • 0 / 980
    11-10-2024, 07:39 Du-te la ultimul mesaj

Vrei mai putine reclame? Inregistreaza-te sau logheaza-te daca ai deja cont.

Ce se intampla in acest moment?

Utilizatori onlineUtilizatori online

Momentan sunt 977 utilizatori online. 1 membri si 976 oaspeti

Cei mai multi useri online 19,819, 15-06-2024 la 17:31.

Sarbatoritii zileiSarbatoritii zilei

  1. raulcostica (38)
  2. P@uL (38)
  3. ccghioca (41)
  4. d[L]x
  5. Crysty95 (30)
  6. luissa_liss (32)
  7. adriana24 (42)
  8. goop (34)
  9. anna_maria (38)
  10. mihaic.pruna (31)
  11. Cristi_dumi (38)
  12. daviganth (42)
  13. cosmint (30)
  14. falemy (33)
  15. hip-hop94 (31)
  16. robert327lancer (40)
  17. Ramona1979 (46)
  18. Ilie Alexandru (37)
  19. gargamel85 (40)
  20. Dovahkiin (27)
  21. shadow1991
  22. doru36 (50)
  23. Krysty95 (30)
  24. Jhonutz (44)
  25. silviu18stefan (48)
  26. dea_ada_11 (29)
  27. klaudiu38 (50)
  28. Bogdann (40)
  29. PurPy^ (31)
  30. olteanu_cr (37)
  31. adi0081 (43)
  32. Maxima2 (37)
  33. miniSpawN (37)
  34. tzeposu_style (37)
  35. ionutmitr
  36. mariustudor (44)
  37. otto55 (44)
  38. andrei_HLK (38)
  39. byankizz (30)
  40. hfyl (33)
  41. emess (42)
  42. OctavianOSACE (40)
  43. gabee (36)
  44. romeohit (40)
  45. 08george (48)
  46. mariusika22 (37)
  47. powertank (35)
  48. diesel4aces
  49. Gope (58)
  50. rednation (37)
  51. Cristian Tudor (55)
  52. Mercurian (41)
  53. crysty_93 (32)
  54. emilly (35)
  55. catalin_gcc (37)
  56. noradatv (52)
  57. dragos_ro (45)
  58. nad23 (50)
  59. hapciu17 (33)
  60. CRYSTYANOS (40)
  61. canis (35)
  62. dan-alexandru (33)
  63. oldpapa (50)
  64. Iulia Parda (56)
  65. LearzA (37)
  66. squidmu (28)
  67. KomornikMuOnlin (36)
  68. osppec (42)
  69. livake (45)
  70. valynew (45)
  71. Andanu (36)
  72. manu_culcea (54)
  73. puiutz2006 (50)
  74. hardcore_o4 (35)
  75. monica_sexy (41)
  76. pancualin (43)
  77. nikisegarceanu (44)
  78. stefan_bossu (45)
  79. archie (32)
  80. knvl
  81. florin_marcu (35)
  82. popacristian (41)
  83. Mitrita (30)
  84. MONKYs (36)
  85. laur2160 (53)
  86. darkseth (116)
  87. big_kello (42)
  88. justme_fiore (38)
  89. fantoma08 (36)
  90. Serbanu
  91. marianmoto (46)
  92. micutzu_stresu (32)
  93. viorel85 (40)
  94. anonim adriana (38)
  95. felea_vasile (38)
  96. sefer001 (43)
  97. Renado (35)
  98. Daniel40 (46)
  100. rita si riky (30)
  101. cristi_arline (15)
  102. phpcip (43)
  103. libe1986 (39)
  104. florin3l_florin (39)
  105. mirelushhh (45)
  106. dragosh009 (29)
  107. alinionalex (50)
  108. dary (48)
  109. gabriangelo (46)
  110. dimaluissa (32)
  111. CORNELIUS1 (51)
  112. severinesti (54)
  113. zara72 (37)
  114. ileana30 (45)
  115. zamoranu (35)
  116. meseriee85 (40)
  117. baloi leonard (37)
  118. dandeee (34)
  119. KashDark
  120. george pad (48)
  121. nusunteu10
  122. dragos1998 (27)
  123. brendabbb (30)
  124. Bricks (34)
  125. gafarelvin (42)
  126. AlexZero (33)
  127. MisterrBoddi
  128. VandApartament (59)
  129. webcamdial1 (47)
  130. dj09rbn
  131. kata_01 (40)
  132. vladstefan (36)
  133. LogofatuSandel (30)
  134. mariusstoiconi (37)
  135. Andrei.Nitu (28)
  136. cristiano9s (28)
  137. Logofatu (30)
  138. doinacu (53)
  139. ChristelRoyce5 (49)
  140. Yongn9 (52)
  141. sfxbcrujgqk (36)
  142. silviu_vitan (40)
  143. Rohini (40)
  144. Catalin marius (47)
  145. ShayneGiff (53)
  146. bogdan31111 (48)
  147. JayWeir817 (50)
  148. SherrillBu (48)
  149. knvqyylwt66 (51)
  150. LenoreLoma (54)
  151. SherriDeve (48)
  152. TaraMcGahan2 (51)
  153. Shaunte43I (43)
  154. mjlitrggbxu (46)
  155. rpqoemo3 (45)
  156. Sergiu91 (34)
  157. debretinul (66)
  158. Boxxse5 (37)
  159. JezykaqTinapix8 (33)
  160. imiwawob (46)
  161. KlaraMaddo (41)
  162. ypiri (29)
  163. adysegy (45)
  164. Stueberaq5 (40)
  165. uruheso (48)
  166. axusegug (45)
  167. Scheibelhutes4 (41)
  168. Pardueaq5 (33)
  169. aqaxiwe (36)
  170. WilliamJow
  171. ngothuytaixiu (33)
  172. ngothuytaxiut (33)
  173. Mihaela19995 (30)

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