topic inchis
topic inchis
Last edited by V4.Firewall; 06-02-2024 at 14:13.
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[News] Limited Edition Grand Opening Top 5 Players! (HOT!)
First 5 players which will reach 5 resets they will receive bonus in the following order
Reward 1st- 500 | 2nd- 400 | 3rd- 300 | 4th- 200 | 5th- 100 | > Credits
If you play on 3 accounts, only one account will receive a bonus
Send me your account privately on discord
10 hours until the grand opening
Server open,have fun all
[News] Mu Launcher Multiple Game Open Online (HOT!)
Multiple Difrent Server open,MaxIpConnection = 2 Check the download link Mu Launcher Multiple Game Open
[News] Balance spots in each map to get good exp (HOT!)
10x Exp seems to be a battle for new players,I changed all the spots on the maps
Lorencia and Noria will remain unchanged because they will help you at lvl 50
Stadium and Tarkan and Tarkan2 remained unchanged already offers good exp
Losttower and Losttower 7,Davias,Davias2,Davias3,Atlans,Atlans2,Atlans3
Have been modified to achieve the balance of having a good exp
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