Server x100 - GAME DATA

Version: Season 6 Episode 3
Experience: x100
Master Experience x10
Drop: 30%

ELF NPC Buff Till: ON (Till level 220)
Official MU Helper: ON (From 80 level, 250 zen / level for 5 minutes)
Regular items: Max 2 excellent options [LIMITED]
Class required: Magic Gladiator = 220 lvl, Dark Lord = 250 lvl, Rage Fighter = 250 lvl
Points Per Level: 5/6/7
Guild Create Level: 400
Max Stats: 32767


Server x100 - RESET & GRAND RESET

Reset Limit: 100 Resets
Reset Requirement: 400 Level
Reset Price: [DYNAMIC] 20kk for every reset **20kk/40kk/60kk/80kk... and max is
Clear Magic/Spells: OFF
Clear Inventory: OFF
Clear Class: OFF
Clear Stats: ON
Points for Reset: SM,ELF,BK,SUM,MG,(DL COMMAND SAVE AFTER RESET),RF = 500 Points for every reset **500/1000/1500/2000 and max is 32767

MAX Grand Resets: 100
Grand Resets Requirements: 100 resets & 400 level
GR Reward: 3000 WCoinsC + 3000 WCoinsP [HOT]
Clear Magic/Spells: OFF
Clear Inventory: OFF
Clear Class: OFF
Clear Stats: ON


Server x100 - IN-GAME COMMANDS

--/post: Global chat, [requrement] Min Level: 10 & 50K Zen
--/pkclear: 20KK
--/str *****, /agi ****, /vit ****, /ene ****, /cmd ****)To add free stats
--/request off/on: To deny or accept any requests (party/trade and more)
--/offtrade: To sell items in store offline
--/divorce (allow to divorce)
And more



Bless Bug: OFF
Monster Level: ON (Can see monster level - ALT + LEFT BUTTON)
Monster HP: ON (Can see monster HP bar)
Off Trade System: ON
Off Level System: ON
Marry System: ON
Auto Reconnect System: ON
Gens System: ON
Goblyn System: ON ( Earn Goblin Points off events/mini boss/boss
Cash Shop 'X': ON (Pets,EXP Buffs,Tickets and more)
And more



Reset Stats: ON
Rester Master Skill Tree: ON
Clear Inventory: ON
Vote Reward: ON (Vote every 6H = Wcoin(C) [HOT]
Character Market: ON
Webshop: ON [LIMITED] (You can buy items only with Wcois(P) & GoblinPoints * NO PAY TO WIN - PLAY TO WIN *
FO Items: OFF (Max 2 Excellent options)
Echange WCoins(C): OFF
Queste(Achievements): OFF
Currency Market: OFF
Item level + 15 in Webshop: OFF (Max +9, only in-game max +15)
--BOK +1,2,3,4,5: OFF (Only in-game)
--380 lvl items in Webshop: OFF
--Ancient items in Webshop: OFF
--Socket items in Webshop: OFF
--1,2,3rd lvl Wings in Webshop: OFF
--Fenrir & Other Pets in Webshop: OFF
--And more


Server x100 - PARTY BONUS
Party Exp Bonus: ON
--Duo Exp Bonus: +0% EXP
--Bronze Party Exp Bonus: +5% EXP
--Silver Party Exp Bonus: +10% EXP
--Gold Party Exp Bonus: +15% EX


Server x100 - VIP SYSTEM

--Bronze VIP: +15% EXP + 15% Drop / 3 DAYS
--Silver VIP: +20% EXP + 20% Drop / 7 DAYS
--Gold VIP: +30% EXP + 30% Drop / 14 DAYS