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MU Online

Pentru impatimitii de MU

  1. Post Sticky Sticky: Cele mai tari servere de mu

    intrati si cautati .... ca primele trei sunt: 1.MU GODS 2.HELLENTRY MU 3.MU TWILIGHT mai sunt ShadowMu, TosaMu,Destiny mu.....:)

    Inceput de neparion_kundum, 25-11-2006 22:42
    7 Paginile
    1 2 3 4 ... 7
    • 131 / 74,123
    05-09-2024, 20:19 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  2. Sticky Sticky: ATENTIE! - Reguli promovare servere!

    Aceste sectiuni se supun regulilor craiovaforum, dar putem face exceptie in cazul promovarii de servere cu urmatoarele conditii: Anunturile de promovare servere se pun pe acest site doar cu acordul moderatorilor / administratorilor craiovaforum! Nu aveti voie sa discutati sau sa trageti la...

    Inceput de AlexSUN, 20-06-2014 12:35
    muonline, promovare, reguli, servere de mu
    • 0 / 7,441
    20-06-2014, 12:35 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  3. Vrei mai putine reclame? Inregistreaza-te sau logheaza-te daca ai deja cont.
  1. [AD] ExiliumMU™ ▌Season 6 Episode 3 IGCN ▌⚔ P.v.P ⚔ ▌CASTLE SIEGE

    Good news, as we all know the administration has worked hard to be a wholesome server, finally have installed premium Antihack and now can no longer worry about cheaters. We took the time to configure this server to give our players the best experience. The client is equipped with...

    Inceput de Andiixu, 13-10-2015 13:09
    3 Paginile
    1 2 3
    ▌season, episode, exiliummu™, [ad]
    • 41 / 3,590
    13-12-2015, 13:03 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  2. Regal MU

    Am vazut ca se redeschide si Regal mu. Eu doar postez, sa nu ma intrebati detalii. Server Information: - Version: Season 3 ep 1 - Experience: 100x - Item drop: 50% - BlessBug : Off - Points per level: 5/6 - Maximum Points: 32767 - Reset cost: 40.000.000 zen - Max level: 400

    Inceput de pb24k, 03-12-2015 16:37
    • 4 / 2,154
    12-12-2015, 19:57 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  3. [AD] Glory MuOnline Season 6

    Glory MuOnline Server Season 6 Bless Bug: Off Exp: 280 'Good Spots'

    Inceput de splite, 10-12-2015 17:40
    glory, muonline, season, [ad]
    • 1 / 854
    12-12-2015, 06:39 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  4. PrimeMU - Server nou 09 Dec

    Salutare, Vreau sa va spun despre serverul pe care joc. Se numeste Prime, server sezonul 9 cu exp dinamic. E o chestie mai diferita decat de obicei. La fiecare reset se sterg punctele acumulate si primesti 1000 stat points. Maximul de stats este de 100000 pe care le distribui cum doresti dupa...

    Inceput de Argooo, 10-12-2015 12:40
    dec, nou, primemu, server
    • 0 / 1,377
    10-12-2015, 12:40 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  5. Elite clicker

    Are cineva un elite clicker bun ? Multumesc frumos !

    Inceput de pb24k, 06-12-2015 16:01
    clicker, elite
    • 0 / 1,148
    06-12-2015, 16:01 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  6. [AD] Krondz Mu | Season3 Episode1| 9999x Drop 85x Server Basic Information : Server Romanesc. Fara lag - Version: Season 3 Episode 1 !!! - Experience: 99999x !!!! - Drop rate: 85% !!!

    Inceput de dott0re, 15-11-2015 01:57
    episode1|, krondz, season3, [ad]
    • 1 / 1,139
    06-12-2015, 15:44 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  7. Thumbs up [AD] Mu-KINGDOM | Season 8 | Server x7000 04.12.2015

    Website: Forum: Forum: Easy x7000 world RE-OPENING on December 4 Detailed x7000 information: Version: Season 8 Episode 2 Experience: 7000x Drop: 65%

    Inceput de jakess, 03-12-2015 22:04
    mu-kingdom, season, server, [ad]
    • 1 / 1,243
    04-12-2015, 15:45 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  8. 2 servere season 8 open 3.12.2015

    Hello ! Nu prea sunt pasionat de sezoane mai mari de 3, dar poate vreti voi. Maine se vor deschide 2 servere s8 - 1500 xp - 7000 xp Gl & HF Daca stiti servere season 2/3 care se vor deschide curand, please tell me. Thanks ! Have a nice day !

    Inceput de pb24k, 02-12-2015 17:12
    3.12.2015, open, season, servere
    • 2 / 1,566
    03-12-2015, 01:03 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  9. MMoServer TopSite - TopVote


    Inceput de ArcaMu, 02-12-2015 00:49
    mmoserver, topsite, topvote
    • 0 / 1,068
    02-12-2015, 00:49 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  10. Post [AD] CentralMu | Season 8 | Server x1500 OPENING 02.12.2015

    OPENING MEDIUM x1500 SERVER ON DECEMBER 2 at 17:00 (GMT+2)! Website: Forum: Fan Page: Server x1500 configs: Version: Premium Season 8 Episode 2 Experience: 1500x

    Inceput de centralmu, 30-11-2015 23:45
    centralmu, season, server, [ad]
    • 0 / 860
    30-11-2015, 23:45 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  11. Virtual MU Season8 Ep.2 Open 05.12.2015 [NO DONATION] Play2Win

    Welcome to Virtual MU uploading images Grand opening 05.12.2015 , Open Server Time , you can check in website . Version : Season8 Episode2

    Inceput de VirtualMU, 29-11-2015 23:47
    ep.2, open, season8, virtual
    • 0 / 1,249
    29-11-2015, 23:47 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  12. Cool [AD] Mu-KINGDOM | Medium x1000 Grand Opening! 27.11.15!

    Website: Forum: Forum: Medium x1000 world GRAND OPENING on November 27 Detailed x1000 information: Version: Season 8 Episode 2 Experience: 1000x Drop: 45%

    Inceput de jakess, 26-11-2015 22:21
    medium, mu-kingdom, x1000, [ad]
    • 1 / 1,319
    27-11-2015, 12:47 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  13. OPEN NEW SERVER SEASON 2 FULL!! 13.11.2015 at 17:30 GMT +2!!

    ☆☆☆ FIGHTMU ☆☆☆ ➤Servidor Médium ➤Experiencia: x200 ➤Drop: 60% ➤Web ➤Grupo de Facebook:…/… ➤Nivel Reset: 400 ➤Comando de Reset & Pkclear ➤Maximo Stats: 26k ➤Castle Siege (Defensa del Castillo)

    Inceput de Nicolae Josu, 13-11-2015 07:28
    new, open, season, server
    • 11 / 1,703
    26-11-2015, 17:58 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  14. UniversalMu Season 3 Episode 1 [Opening 23 November, 2015]

    UniversalMU Season lll Episode l Basic Infformation ! #1= PVP Server: UniversalMU

    Inceput de No Stress, 23-11-2015 21:33
    episode, season, universalmu, [opening
    • 0 / 1,288
    23-11-2015, 21:33 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  15. ArcaMU ▌Season 6 Episode 3 ▌xp 50 drop 30 ▌Long Term

    15.11.2015 Official Start Today at 20:00PM (EET, UTC +2) Join Us : Www.ArcaMU.Com Discover once again the fun in MuOnline playing a Mu Server with all working features and no gameplay bugs. Professional organised and balanced for every class we are going to break through all noob Mu Servers...

    Inceput de ArcaMu, 15-11-2015 09:31
    arcamu, ▌season, ▌xp, episode
    • 3 / 849
    23-11-2015, 19:09 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  16. [PREMIUM S6EP3] Prestige MU [ EXP 300] [START 21.11 at19: 00 GMT+1

    ==================================================================================== ==================================================================================== The server starts on 21.11.2015 at 19:00 (GMT + 1) Currently there are beta tests of the server. ...

    Inceput de slawomir, 19-11-2015 00:09
    exp, prestige, s6ep3], [premium
    • 0 / 1,220
    19-11-2015, 00:09 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  17. [AD] CentralMu | Season 8 | Server LOW x100 NOVEMBER 15!

    Server LOW x100 GRAND OPENING on NOVEMBER 15 at 17:00 GMT+2! Website: Forum: Fan Page: Server x100 configs: Version: Premium Season 8 Episode 2 Experience: 100x

    Inceput de centralmu, 13-11-2015 17:50
    centralmu, season, server, [ad]
    • 4 / 1,198
    18-11-2015, 17:12 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  18. Thumbs up Asgarthmu S3 Ep1 Version : Season 3 Episode 1 Experience : 70x Drop rate : 50% Reset type : keep stats Reset level : 400 Server protected with our own anti-cheat system fully updated

    Inceput de Gandalf01, 22-10-2015 09:10
    asgarthmu, ep1
    • 9 / 1,225
    16-11-2015, 19:00 Du-te la ultimul mesaj

    MU Freakz Season 8 Episode 2 Medium Rates Website: MIGRATION TO MU FREAKZ XP: 200x Drop: 50% Max stats: 65000 Reset Level 400 Grand Reset: 50 Resets MU Helper: Working! Events: Full Working

    Inceput de Wipe, 25-09-2015 16:25
    freakz, medium, rates, s8e2
    • 3 / 1,386
    13-11-2015, 22:29 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  20. Thumbs up [AD] InterkasaMu ▌Season 6 Episode 3 ▌xp 50 drop 30 ▌Long Term

    InterkasaMu Season 6 Episode 3 Re-opening 11.11.2015

    Inceput de interkasa, 08-11-2015 12:32
    • 16 / 1,548
    13-11-2015, 16:07 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  21. Thumbs up [AD] Mu-KINGDOM | Season 8 | World x500 NOVEMBER 11 !

    Website: Forum: x50 world RE OPENING on November 11 Detailed 50x information: Version: Season 8 Episode 2 Experience: 50x Drop: 25% Maximum Stats: 32767

    Inceput de jakess, 09-11-2015 21:20
    mu-kingdom, season, world, [ad]
    • 2 / 1,307
    12-11-2015, 23:22 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  22. Cool Mondial MU Sezon 9 Premium Files! Mu as we Know!

    MondialMU Sezon 9 Premium Files! Come and play with US! EXP: 1000x stable 24/7, 100x dynamic xp, max rr 40 and 9999x cooming soon. Friendly GM, Daily events in game&Forum! Stable,no bugs, premium files, all events working! Come and play MU as we love to do! INFO: With pleasure, The Staff of...

    Inceput de Becksu, 09-10-2015 22:03
    • 2 / 1,099
    11-11-2015, 02:50 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  23. [AD]MuDream 97D+99i Exp:100 Drop:70 Max Reset:10

    MuDream 97D+99i + MuDream Addons Grand Opening : 06.11.2015 18:00 GM+2 Website and Links MuDream Website MuDream Register MuDream Download

    Inceput de Ali Güzel, 03-11-2015 16:06
    97d+99i, drop:70, exp:100, [ad]mudream
    • 6 / 1,146
    10-11-2015, 16:36 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  24. Hmm [AD] Mu-KINGDOM | Season 8 | World x7000 NOVEMBER 4 !

    Website: Forum: Facebook Fanpage: 7000x world REOPENING on November 4 Information about x7000 server: Version: Season 8 Episode 2 Experience: 7000x Drop: 65%

    Inceput de jakess, 02-11-2015 20:35
    mu-kingdom, season, world, [ad]
    • 2 / 869
    05-11-2015, 18:29 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  25. Post LeagueOfMu Season 8 9999XP max drop

    Name:League Of MU Version:eX803 FULL Exp: MAXXXXX Drop: MAXXXXX Accounts: 2,215 Characters: 2,837 Guilds: 168 Banned: 0 Server Status: Online Server Uptime: 99.99%

    Inceput de StiuCA_Mu, 02-11-2015 12:32
    9999xp, leagueofmu, max, season
    • 1 / 779
    05-11-2015, 10:10 Du-te la ultimul mesaj

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Utilizatori onlineUtilizatori online

Momentan sunt 867 utilizatori online. 2 membri si 865 oaspeti

Cei mai multi useri online 19,819, 15-06-2024 la 17:31.

Utilizatori onlineUtilizatori inregistrati astazi: 1

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  1. Reaver (44)
  2. dragosss (36)
  3. BigBoom (37)
  4. beibi_blu_ucv (39)
  5. seby101 (35)
  6. gabriela.mihaiu (37)
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  8. danielsan20 (35)
  9. kapa3D (33)
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  11. Bubs (45)
  12. ionutz0116 (39)
  13. wsk (39)
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  15. SkyLine (34)
  16. tavi_eu (40)
  17. L&G (38)
  18. albastroiu (40)
  19. arhidulce1 (33)
  20. mutineco (52)
  21. extremezone (39)
  22. maracu.aurelian (36)
  23. IONUT CIOC (42)
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  26. kevin (42)
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  28. davidutu
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  30. Alxndriv (34)
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  32. elefantuflorin@ (40)
  33. Alessia91 (34)
  34. Bulisor199216 (33)
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  45. alexvis21 (32)
  46. Andrei6000 (27)
  47. dary762 (29)
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  49. justmedanger (37)
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  55. lorylove (35)
  56. whiskey (31)
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  76. djkevin (42)
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  78. snake25 (49)
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  94. madelin38 (55)
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  97. ady95 (30)
  98. versacealin
  99. bibop_ro1 (37)
  100. ovidiumustata (35)
  101. mariF (50)
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  104. valentina17 (35)
  105. Cosminake
  106. denislisoi (38)
  107. sonnic53 (35)
  108. Raul0 (33)
  109. gabriellabella (45)
  110. doctorxxx (49)
  111. Dali (47)
  112. musy52 (73)
  113. alin_boxyng (42)
  114. Horiam1693 (32)
  115. confu123 (34)
  116. lumiere (40)
  117. Danutz90 (35)
  118. fenomen
  119. NeRo27 (41)
  120. irinel23 (35)
  121. pauliho2007 (30)
  122. lili29 (43)
  123. Phantom_sub (37)
  124. calangiu (37)
  125. calangiu1988 (37)
  126. calangiu23 (37)
  127. madalyn555 (31)
  128. teo_alin2002 (35)
  129. Danielaa (29)
  130. uta.cristi
  131. edyiulian (54)
  132. Gabrielle Gaby (29)
  133. horia.meiu
  134. florinmodrea (40)
  135. guran marius (53)
  136. taranul (39)
  137. dan1987 (38)
  138. george 13 (38)
  139. Saioc.Stefan (45)
  140. 122DeNyS (28)
  141. tighi_18
  142. rodioncam (40)
  143. Surdu Petre (68)
  144. asterixcv (43)
  145. biro (60)
  146. Strong.xD (27)
  147. straule (59)
  148. Dr.CoCoS (27)
  149. metronomvio (65)
  150. lari16 (36)
  151. Luciano1988
  152. catalin99
  153. mariotoni42 (39)
  154. lorenabuzatu (57)
  155. Gh0st[pN] (28)
  156. cassiana (38)
  157. clementina
  158. benzinica86 (34)
  159. total race (36)
  160. vasy73 (38)
  161. claudiubojenoiu (48)
  162. stanga florin (49)
  163. munni99 (37)
  164. costelmate (60)
  165. waleedi (25)
  166. Telecomandata (47)
  167. ionutchocolate (32)
  168. Mihnea Ionescu (25)
  169. pvxaigdjytc (50)
  170. AugustM58 (53)
  171. tkpmspuptzolqsy (51)
  172. narodu28 (36)
  173. Spiethes7 (39)
  174. yjoxumat (37)
  175. ijozyjov (41)
  176. epikyfum (48)
  177. GwenUth884 (43)
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  184. ketsattoancau (27)
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  186. makp3trenko29
  187. ginareese49 (30)
  188. Lonniemed
  189. budindia (33)
  190. zoxinternation (38)
  191. theweddinglabel (38)
  192. w88hey010 (26)
  193. w88hey016 (26)
  194. gametaixiu (35)
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