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MU Online

Pentru impatimitii de MU

  1. Post Sticky Sticky: Cele mai tari servere de mu

    intrati si cautati .... ca primele trei sunt: 1.MU GODS 2.HELLENTRY MU 3.MU TWILIGHT mai sunt ShadowMu, TosaMu,Destiny mu.....:)

    Inceput de neparion_kundum, 25-11-2006 22:42
    7 Paginile
    1 2 3 4 ... 7
    • 129 / 65,226
    03-06-2024, 22:26 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  2. Sticky Sticky: ATENTIE! - Reguli promovare servere!

    Aceste sectiuni se supun regulilor craiovaforum, dar putem face exceptie in cazul promovarii de servere cu urmatoarele conditii: Anunturile de promovare servere se pun pe acest site doar cu acordul moderatorilor / administratorilor craiovaforum! Nu aveti voie sa discutati sau sa trageti la...

    Inceput de AlexSUN, 20-06-2014 12:35
    muonline, promovare, reguli, servere de mu
    • 0 / 6,235
    20-06-2014, 12:35 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  3. Vrei mai putine reclame? Inregistreaza-te sau logheaza-te daca ai deja cont.
  1. [AD] Play4MU 97D Experience:1000x Drop:50%

    OFFICIAL START 07/11/2014 - 20:00 +2GMT(BG TIME) * * * * * - Name: Play4MU - Version: 97d+99i - Experience: 1000x - Drop rate: 50 %

    Inceput de Wikko0, 09-11-2014 09:29
    97d, experience:1000x, play4mu, [ad]
    • 1 / 707
    09-11-2014, 14:17 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  2. WarriorMu Season 8 | 50x EXP| 20% DROP | NO WEBSHOP | Open November 7

    Welcome To WarriorMu Online Website: Forum: FB Fanpage: Season 8 Episode 2 (Mu team's licensed) - Exp:50xp / Drop:20% NO Working Cheats, Hack (MuGuard licensed), NO LAG, NO BUGS, HARDCORE...

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 09-11-2014 10:39
    50x, exp|, season, warriormu
    • 0 / 730
    09-11-2014, 10:39 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  3. MOB MU 97d | New OpenGL Effects | 100x EXP | 330 Points per Res | 40 res max

    Server Features: STABLE and BUGLESS /post command Server Info: Online: 24/7 Version: 97d Item Drop: 80% Max Online : 80 Experience: 100x

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 09-11-2014 10:34
    97d, mob, new, opengl
    • 0 / 771
    09-11-2014, 10:34 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  4. WeeZMu |S8ep2|Exp 220 Drop 70 |Grand Open FreSH DB 08.11.2014 h:8:00(+01:00 GMT) !!

    Siteu: WeeZMu |S8ep2|Exp 220 Drop 70 |Grand Open FreSH DB 08.11.2014 h:8:00(+01:00 GMT) !! Drops: 70% Max Level: 400 Max Reset: 999 Grand Reset: 100 RR Max GR: 999 Keep Stats: Yes Blood Castle Devil Square

    Inceput de stefanoiu1, 08-11-2014 16:47
    220, drop, weezmu, |s8ep2|exp
    • 1 / 801
    08-11-2014, 18:56 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  5. Mu-Driver S4 Exp 3000x

    Mu-Driver S4 Exp 3000x Website: More Info :D Server Romanesc

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 08-11-2014 10:38
    3000x, exp, mu-driver
    • 5 / 1,028
    08-11-2014, 17:19 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  6. MUOLDPLAY EX802 || EXP: 70x || DROP 10%|| NO RESET || Free2Play

    Hello respected players. I come to invite you all to attend the Re-Opening of MUOLDPLAY, a totally new, redesigned and with many new server to please all types of players. The why of a new inauguration? "The server has been open for seven days, and in that time I had the opportunity to...

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 08-11-2014 11:02
    70x, ex802, exp:, muoldplay
    • 0 / 638
    08-11-2014, 11:02 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  7. Mu maggot | Season 6.3 | 20x | Max 10 resets| Opening 08/11

    Hello my friends . For those who are looking for a hard server with good balance between free players and vip , lets go . These server after passing through a long testing phase , finally , will open day SATURDAY 08/11 at 15: 00h , gentlemen , I assure you, the server is flawless , here are a few...

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 08-11-2014 10:52
    20x, 6.3, maggot, season
    • 0 / 615
    08-11-2014, 10:52 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  8. ProbaMu 97d99i Exp: 9999x Drop: 100%

    Server information - Server name: Proba-Mu - Version: 97d+99i - Expierence: 9999x - Drop rate: 100%

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 08-11-2014 10:45
    97d99i, 9999x, exp:, probamu
    • 0 / 718
    08-11-2014, 10:45 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  9. OfferMu Season2 | x150 | drop 50% | Longterm | Grand opening 07.11.2014

    Grand opening / 07.11.2014 / 16:00 Website: Server Information: Experience: 150x Drop: 50% DK/ELF/DW Points Per Level: 5 DL/MG Poins Per Level: 7 After Reset: Stats Clear

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 07-11-2014 10:58
    drop, offermu, season2, x150
    • 0 / 887
    07-11-2014, 10:58 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  10. MuOptinet 97d99i Exp: 80x Drop: 60%

    Welcome to MUOptinet!! NO LAGS,NO BUGS, NO HACKERS !!! Server Version: 97d+99i Server Experience: 80x(weekend 100x) Server Drop Rate: 60% Anti Dupe: Online Monsers HP: 100% Clear Stats:Yes

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 07-11-2014 10:10
    80x, 97d99i, exp:, muoptinet
    • 0 / 809
    07-11-2014, 10:10 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  11. Psychic-Doom 97d99i Exp: 1000x Drop: 25%

    MuOnline Psychic-Doom - Since 2003 is now BACK ONLINE !! Reset Lvl: 350 Max Lvl: 350 Version: 97d Points per reset: 250

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 07-11-2014 10:06
    1000x, 97d99i, exp:, psychic-doom
    • 0 / 651
    07-11-2014, 10:06 Du-te la ultimul mesaj

    Website Exp: 9999x Drop: 80% PPL: 5/5/7 BB: OFF Max Stats: 32767 Reset Level: 400 Reset Reward: 5 Credits Reset Method: From Web

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 06-11-2014 11:03
    desteny, full, ss3
    • 2 / 687
    07-11-2014, 09:58 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  13. [AD] WeeZMu Season 8 Episode 2 Premiun Files 500X Drop 70% Long Termen Server BETA

    Siteu: In Curand va fi si s2 Deschis BETA zilele ce urmeaza! Exp: 500x Drops: 700% Max Level: 400 Max Reset: 999 Grand Reset: 100 RR Max GR: 999 Keep Stats: Yes

    Inceput de stefanoiu1, 06-11-2014 19:30
    episode, season, weezmu, [ad]
    • 0 / 676
    06-11-2014, 19:30 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  14. Mu PvPWorld[ Xp rate: x150 | Drop rate: 50% | Version: 97d+99i | Uptime: 99,9%

    Server Name: PvPWorld Version: 97d+99i Online Players per day: 30-40 Server Rates: BB: OFF Exp: x150 Drops: 50% Monster HP: 50%

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 06-11-2014 11:32
    drop, pvpworld[, rate:, x150
    • 0 / 653
    06-11-2014, 11:32 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  15. [ 15x | 10% | 0.97d | 24/7 ]

    General Server Information: Server Name: Version: 0.97d Server Rates: BB: off Exp: 15x Drops: 10%

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 06-11-2014 11:08
    0.97d, 10%, 15x,
    • 0 / 674
    06-11-2014, 11:08 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  16. Caut Owner pentru un Mu 97d.99i/Customs

    -Nu fac la copii sau destea care le faci server si dupeia dau tapa- -Nu ma ocup cu season nu le suport fac doar 97d.99i/customs- -windows de operare windows xp sp 2/sp3 curat fara virusi sau erori- -daca deti router si ai 2 unitati e foarte bine una o ti special doar pentru mu- -varsta...

    Inceput de V4.Firewall, 03-06-2014 10:13
    caut, owner, pentru
    • 12 / 1,479
    06-11-2014, 10:49 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  17. MU ONLINE MuMCC Season 2 exp 200x h PVP

    Official STarT 12-13.10.2014 ora 00:00 hai sa facem un server de romani\

    Inceput de swewswew, 13-10-2014 02:33
    200x, exp, mumcc, season
    • 6 / 1,005
    06-11-2014, 08:23 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  18. Exclamation S3E1 - We offer you qualitatively fast dedicated long term MU Online server without bugs or lags. - Server is almost 99.9% bug-free‚ that means you can freely explore everything without being disconnected. - Server has great defense also‚ secured with anti-cheat‚ that means no...

    Inceput de abi_andrei, 14-10-2014 13:02, s3e1
    • 8 / 972
    06-11-2014, 08:23 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  19. Caut svr season 2/3 :)

    Un server de mu care se va deschide recent ? season 2/3 ? Daca stiti va rog sa-mi ziceti aici. Multumesc ! Nu conteaza xp, nici macar daca e romanesc.

    Inceput de pb24k, 24-10-2014 18:34
    caut, season, svr
    • 12 / 757
    06-11-2014, 08:22 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  20. EvilsMU Season 3 Episode 1 | 50x | 70% Drop | 24/7 Online | Long Term | Fresh Restart

    SERVER INFOMARTION: Season 3 Episode 1 Exp: 50x Drop: 70% Max Stats: 32767 Points Per Level: 5/6/7 Requirement create level for class: MG-220, DL-250, Marry System and Commands Work

    Inceput de phenomenw, 26-10-2014 22:30
    2 Paginile
    1 2
    50x, episode, evilsmu, season
    • 27 / 2,263
    06-11-2014, 08:21 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  21. SatanicMU season 3 exp 100x opened 22 oct 2014 servar romanesc

    Inceput de swewswew, 22-10-2014 20:53
    100x, exp, satanicmu, season
    • 1 / 790
    24-10-2014, 10:30 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  22. [AD] FantasiaMu | Season 8 | drop 50x

    Website: Forum: Register: Download:

    Inceput de Fantasiamu, 23-10-2014 01:00
    drop, fantasiamu, season, [ad]
    • 0 / 763
    23-10-2014, 01:00 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  23. [AD] KickerMU Season 6 episode 9 | Fun Rate | x9999 | drop 99% | max 3 opts| custom !

    KickerMU Season 6 episode 9 custom eXtreme Where the legends are born

    Inceput de Baddy, 14-10-2014 08:45
    episode, kickermu, season, [ad]
    • 1 / 777
    20-10-2014, 00:00 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  24. [AD] IntuitionMu l EX802 l xp 1500 l drop 65 l Grand Opening 11.10.2014

    General Server Information: Server Name:IntuitionMU Version:EX802 Server Rates:1500 BB:no Exp:1500 Drops:65

    Inceput de nicos1, 10-10-2014 13:54
    • 4 / 871
    11-10-2014, 18:45 Du-te la ultimul mesaj
  25. CraiovaMU 97d |100x |drop 45%

    Inceput de FrozenMU, 28-09-2014 23:48
    97d, craiovamu, |100x, |drop
    • 2 / 1,136
    07-10-2014, 12:41 Du-te la ultimul mesaj

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Utilizatori onlineUtilizatori online

Momentan sunt 793 utilizatori online. 0 membri si 793 oaspeti

Cei mai multi useri online 19,819, 15-06-2024 la 17:31.

Utilizatori onlineUtilizatori inregistrati astazi: 4

Sarbatoritii zileiSarbatoritii zilei

  1. jabra (47)
  2. Auto kraft (44)
  3. vicardo (36)
  4. raduzu_93 (31)
  5. roxanne216
  6. Marius95
  7. darg0 (39)
  8. lilBeat (42)
  9. Soryn_euu (36)
  10. laurentz1987 (37)
  11. xparfum (40)
  12. columbianu (36)
  13. 4LIN
  14. matthew (30)
  15. kl4u5 (49)
  16. patryck (34)
  17. Catanu (32)
  18. mobila.mario (45)
  19. teodora2008 (39)
  20. ricky1982 (42)
  21. fllorinel (40)
  22. dj76val (48)
  23. tuliu (32)
  24. bobbytza (30)
  25. alyn21 (31)
  26. iuliux07 (49)
  27. werronyka (38)
  28. neagufgigel (34)
  29. jeblade21 (39)
  30. gresul (50)
  31. jeblade22 (39)
  32. capitan (39)
  33. anghel nelu
  34. mferariu (47)
  35. and11 (38)
  36. Toni_toni412 (47)
  37. Buldur Andrei
  38. rose tattoo
  39. bobo1 (41)
  40. klaudiu_ung (42)
  41. aIm (38)
  42. raducu111 (33)
  43. w1p (34)
  44. leona_yx (43)
  45. nicolas22222222 (34)
  46. Krystal2006 (41)
  47. autoru_moral (38)
  48. Nedyxx (30)
  49. amstaff (29)
  50. clim_roxy (36)
  51. Spada (34)
  52. artshadow (44)
  53. czcflorin (40)
  54. grety_sweetkiss (34)
  55. adalwulf
  56. dragosss1 (33)
  57. cosmyn_f (34)
  58. bunea06 (35)
  59. enaly_ela (42)
  60. Marius995
  61. vsmadalina (35)
  62. cozma razvan (35)
  63. rallyrlk
  64. stefan80 (41)
  65. gabi.pop
  66. Fantaa
  67. maria firu (44)
  68. Eddy96 (28)
  69. gabipop
  70. vali-valy
  71. kalu82 (42)
  72. NicuSnf (28)
  73. Ovidiu Grama (22)
  74. Vana Robert (36)
  75. Larentiu (32)
  76. RozaMu (34)
  77. cornul_abundentei (48)
  78. andutza_L (37)
  79. zeusbox (37)
  80. X-pertul (37)
  81. uzzyreload (34)
  82. ankutzik (32)
  83. ice dragon (30)
  84. g@ng$t3r (35)
  85. puFFy (52)
  86. Sorinel_Sorinel (38)
  87. kandra (40)
  88. Alecsya
  89. smut (39)
  90. abramburica (38)
  91. corbualex (42)
  92. wzz
  93. r3n72u` (32)
  94. Toppollino21 (43)
  95. ionut_greculesc (42)
  96. vandal1010 (42)
  97. flolata (48)
  98. [FL]Mihai (43)
  99. delpi (52)
  100. zeus-box (37)
  101. antonionut (39)
  102. raffy74 (50)
  103. stanika90 (34)
  104. marmot (54)
  105. rox24 (40)
  106. dante508 (29)
  107. relegate (34)
  108. grasu21 (35)
  109. D K Z (48)
  110. bastoclea (43)
  111. DenisaLRO
  112. ovidiu_88 (36)
  113. arabutgz (37)
  114. Pinguinul1 (42)
  115. narcotique (35)
  116. melaniaelena
  117. valenti (42)
  118. manyaxxx_2020 (45)
  119. b4d1K (52)
  120. seba12 (49)
  121. steluta_eu (45)
  122. cristi_fyd (36)
  123. adriana-elena (34)
  124. committe (39)
  125. franciska (42)
  126. b_25
  127. twenty1 (34)
  128. robett (30)
  129. ZamfirCatalin (48)
  130. primusshg (43)
  131. lelia (39)
  132. ovidiu_atc (66)
  133. wizard200266 (34)
  134. Bulis (44)
  135. buneadaniel (35)
  136. viorake
  137. deejay1992 (33)
  138. dadry (39)
  139. sorinnnnn (39)
  140. GraniPustiu
  141. gabitzu23 (39)
  142. (36)
  143. anetta (41)
  144. Boyka_Ruiss (32)
  145. dArKnEsS1 (31)
  146. gastrohelp
  147. gya33
  148. san33 (49)
  149. Alex88888 (37)
  150. Cristina Nicole
  151. firu maria (44)
  152. alexu9777 (27)
  153. Razvy Stylle (51)
  154. ana marya L
  155. cornel 123 (34)
  156. Ionut Rs (26)
  157. qwell (36)
  158. Ashleyze (36)
  159. Alexandru.k_24 (37)
  160. nixdorfiym (47)
  161. vekoxc (35)
  162. costika001 (27)
  163. rooyta13 (29)
  164. DanielaDragu (39)
  165. KathyVerre (49)
  166. BrigetteSu (49)
  167. tzure (32)
  168. ddutstlsseuncdw (48)
  169. vyvy210690 (34)
  170. Ketur97 (27)
  171. Robalsky (27)
  172. Amelie007 (34)
  173. orelowuxi (45)
  174. Casseyse3 (26)
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