We invite you to feel the pleasure of the MuOnline game again!
General Information
Wings lvl 4 and lvl 5
DW/DK/Elf/Summ points per level 5 points
MG/DL/RF points per level 7 points
WCoin Reward in Blood Castle, Devil Square, Chaos Castle, Vote, Events
Reset level 400
Exp 2000x
Master Exp 2x
Maximum Master level 1250
Points per master level 1
Maximum stats 32 767
Maximum resets 80
Master Reset ON
Maximum Master resets 999
Resets required for M.Resets 80
Master Reset reward WCoinC
MG / DL / RF create level 150 / 150 / 150
Party levels max. difference 800
Party max. members 10
Normal Party bonus experience + (4% * party members count)
Gold Party bonus experience + (5% * party members count)
Maximum Socket slots 5
Ancient + Socket off
Ancient + Harmony On
Ancient & Socket + Harmony OFF
NPC Buff maximum level 220
Maximum IP connections per game server 10
Jewels success rates:
Normal V.I.P. (Bronze,Silver,Gold) (10%/15%/20%)
Life success rate 65% + V.I.P.
Soul success rate 65% + V.I.P.
Harmony success rate 70% + V.I.P.
Harmony smelt success rate 65% + V.I.P.
Mixes success rates
Combination Maximum Success Rate
Normal rate V.I.P. type ( Bronze , Silver , Gold ) (10%/15%/20%) (from Normal)
Items +10, +11, +12 75%,70%,65% + V.I.P.
Items +13, +14, +15 60%,55%,50% + V.I.P.
Chaos Weapon 80% + V.I.P.
Wings Level 1 90% + V.I.P.
Wings Level 2 75% + V.I.P.
Wings Level 3 70% + V.I.P.
Gemstone to Harmony 75%+ V.I.P.
Create Seed / Seed Sphere 80% + V.I.P.
Illusions Spirits mix 90%
In Game Commands
/request [on/off] Enable / disable requests.
/post Sends a message to all servers.
/addstr [points] Adds points to Strength.
/addagi [points] Adds points to Agility.
/addvit [points] Adds points to Life.
/addene [points] Adds points to Energy.
/addcom [points] Adds points to Command.
/guildwar [Name] Start guild war with choiced opponents.
/battlesoccer [Name] Start Battle Soccer game with choiced opponents.
/store and /offstore Start your online/offline Exchanger in Loren Market map.
/pack [x] and /unpack [x] Jewels packing and unpacking system.
/marry [Name] Propose marry to your selected player. From 400 level.
/marryaccept Accept marry propose.
/marrydivorce Divorce, end of family story.
/tracemarry Move to your family.
/lock PIN and /unlock PIN secure your account and items in case u share your account
although we do not recommend sharing your account!
More info can be found on Game Guide from User Panel!
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