General Information
Version: Season 6 Episode 3
Experience: 1000x Dynamic
ML Experience: 500x
Drop: 70%
Max Stats: 32767
Level Reset: 400
Normal Level: 400
Master Level: 400
Max Reset: 100
Grand Resets: 50
Level Points: 5/7
Character Creation: All level characters 1
Create Guild: 200 Lvl
PK Clear: 10,000,00
Max Item Level: +15
Max Item Excellent: +7
Cashshop: On
Excellent + Ancient: On
Excellent + Socket: On
Harmony + Ancient: On
Off-Attack: On
Off-Shop: On
AntiCheat: On
Max Account per PC: 3

Reset Information
Max Reset: 100
Reset Level: 400
Reset Price: 3 Million zen * reset
Reset Place: Lorencia | VIP: Same Spot
Reset Stats: No
Reset Skills: No
Reset Reward: 50 Credits | VIP: 70 Credits
Bonus Level UP Points: No

Grand Reset
Max Grand Reset: 50
Grand Reset Level: 400
Grand Reset Price: 1 Billion Zen
Grand Reset Place: Lorencia
Grand Reset Stats: Yes
Grand Reset Skills: Yes
Grand Reset Reward: 5000 Credits | VIP: 7000 Credits
Bonus Level UP Points: 1000 * GR
HP Bonus per GR: 3000

Blood Castle
Chaos Castle
Devil Square
Illusion Temple
Castle Siege
Cherry Blossom
Christmas Invasion
Summer Invasion
Red Dragon Invasion
Golden Invasion
White Wizard Invasion
Rabbit Invasion
Flame Ghost Invasion
Evil Santa Invasion
New Year Invasion
Raklion of Hatchery
Imperial Fortress
Loren Deep
Kanturu (Maya)
Kalima (Kundun)
Lucky Coin
Happy Hour
Guild War
Moss The Gambler
Drop Event
Online Lottery
Quiz Event

/post [Write for global]
/reset [Reset your character]
/greset [Grand reset your character]
/pkclear [Clear pk status]
/evo [Evolve your character]
/pkclear [Clear pk status]
/fw [Start a fireworks]
/addstr [Add points in Strength]
/addagi [Add points in Agility]
/addvit [Add points in Vitality]
/addene [Add points in Energy]
/addcmd [Add points in command]
/readd [Readd Stats Points]
/ware [Open your Warehouse]
/openware [You open your warehouse remotely safe place]
/pick [Auto get itens, example /pick soul]
/re [Enable /disable requests in-game]
/store [Open you personal Shop]
/offstore [You leave your store open, but your character is disconnected]
/attack [You leave your character attacking automatically]
/offattack [You let your character level up while your account is out of the game]
/married to [Your married with other character]
/top (gr, rr) [Check server top players]
/soccer (guildname) [Invite guild opponent for a soccer war]
/war (guildname) [Invite guild opponent for a guild war]
/resp (answer) [Response to quiz event]
/joinevent [Join to an open event]
/joinrun [Join to run and hide event]

Launcher with Updater