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Vezi rezultatele sondajului: Will you play on a new exp server ?

23. Nu poţi vota in acest sondaj
  • Yes , I will definitly play

    18 78.26%
  • No , I will never play

    5 21.74%
  1. #1
    Banned Executio reprezinta o cantitate neglijabila
    Data de inscriere
    Putere Reputatie
    Puncte CF

    Exclamation Vote please !!!

    Vote your oppinion here , will you play on a little exp server ? How many ?
    If yes we could make a very good comunity (sth like linkmania , dex for romanians) , because noone will play on a little exp server if hes the only one in game , so ...

    That will sound like this:

    Name: Undecided
    No Lag Server
    Version: 1.0M or 1.02D
    Exp: 35x
    Drop: 40
    Stage: Long Term
    Open hours: 24/24 , 7/7

    Category: international

    We will try making it bugless , and chat working 90 % !!!
    We will be having 500 ppl capacity with a 6 MB connection speed !!!
    Not a cheep fucked up server with fucked up GM's !!!

    All the new sets
    All the new maps
    & we will be trying adding fenrir into 1.0M if we dont do 1.02D

    -Chaos Castle 1-6 (in 6 hours)
    -BloodCastle 1-7 (every 45 mins hours)
    -CastleSiege (This is a brand new guild option , they can battle in a place called Valey of Loren , and the guild master takes the Castle until the next battle and attempt to be taken by other guild !!!)
    -DevilSquare 1-6 (every 2 hours)

    Alot of new addons

    There will be an elf-soldier that will sell exc items put by players !!!
    Friends ChitChat , it will be a Chat Box made especially on a few server in the world !!! (if 1.0M)
    There will be rare items like bone , leather , etc. !!!

    /marry (it will ask to marry the selected person) -If so it will be a big wedding made by a GM in the church in davias or in Valley of Loren with only the invited ppl or all ppl !!!-
    /divorce (it will ask the selected person to divorce)
    /forcemarry (it will force selected person to marry you)
    /addnrg (it will ad you the energy you want to put , no more need of page)
    /addstr ( --=-- )
    /addcmd (only for DL's , --=-- )
    /addagl ( --=-- )
    /addvit ( --=-- )

    100% english !!!

    -Golden Dragon invasion !!! (it will drop 1 bok + 1/2/3/4/5 , but the boks won't be dropping all items , there will be some rare ones with what we will make events or so)
    -Sponsored Event (a player can sponsor a event)
    -GM's Events :
    *Horse Racin'
    *Find that man
    *Droping boks
    --And many others--

    This will be a very nice project and if you'll help along , it will be something big , we need your support !!!

    Page , click here
    Last edited by Executio; 08-03-2006 at 09:46.


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