Ma tot uit pe forum si nu gasesc adresa la hub craiova poate imi da si mie cineva adresa aia sa intru pe hub.La multi ani
Ma tot uit pe forum si nu gasesc adresa la hub craiova poate imi da si mie cineva adresa aia sa intru pe hub.La multi ani iniţiat de pufossu20
The message above is my opinion and only mine, no influences and no official statement so if you think it's wrong, you may be right, I'm just human you know...
"Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the Universe." - Albert Einstein ...
ar fii o idee sa puneti adresa hubului sub <<craiova forum>>
vizibilitate mai mare
incercam sa tinem o legatura cat mai mica intre hub si forum...
de aceea am scos adresa hubului din logo
The message above is my opinion and only mine, no influences and no official statement so if you think it's wrong, you may be right, I'm just human you know...
"Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the Universe." - Albert Einstein ...
bine gandit si ashaMesaj iniţiat de Eros
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