Pretul este de 170de lei negociabil.Placa are peste 2 ani garantie,merge impecabil o pot lasa 1 sau 2 zile pt teste.C'mon, get it!
Date de contact: YM: osca_alex
Tel: 0726267947
Pretul este de 170de lei negociabil.Placa are peste 2 ani garantie,merge impecabil o pot lasa 1 sau 2 zile pt teste.C'mon, get it!
Date de contact: YM: osca_alex
Tel: 0726267947
Last edited by Eskobar; 04-02-2006 at 14:15.
You come here and shoot at my family? I'm gonna teach you a real lesson now motherf@#ker. Put your f@#kin' mouth on the curb. .
Derek Vinyard
1 milion atat ofer..ce zici..astept raspuns
sau daca vrei schimb cu
si inca 500 din partea mea
date de contact lasa si tu niste date de contact..hai norok
Placa se da cu garantie doi ani, cabluri, drivere si manual de utilizare cred ca se poate mai mult de 150 de lei...2 ani garantie inseamna ceva ...Inca mai e de vanzare, grabiti-va...
You come here and shoot at my family? I'm gonna teach you a real lesson now motherf@#ker. Put your f@#kin' mouth on the curb. .
Derek Vinyard
O sa se vanda maine cu 1,6 mil daca avetzi alte oferte mai bune acum e momentul... Avetzi datele de contact mai sus...
You come here and shoot at my family? I'm gonna teach you a real lesson now motherf@#ker. Put your f@#kin' mouth on the curb. .
Derek Vinyard
You come here and shoot at my family? I'm gonna teach you a real lesson now motherf@#ker. Put your f@#kin' mouth on the curb. .
Derek Vinyard
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