De unde pot lua A120/DT si cine il are
De unde pot lua A120/DT si cine il are
Iti trebuie acel program pentru Matrix- The Path of Neo.
Multi au aceasta problema cu acest joc. Am cautat pe niste forumuri din strainate si uite ce am gasit:
Here's a how to as easy as i think i can put it.
Step 1:Install Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools
Step 2:Create one or more virtual drives using A120 or DT.(just look in help if you can't figure out how to create them)
Step 3(Alcohol 120% Only):Open the image(the ISO,CUE,MDF,etc)
Step 4:Mount the image onto one of the virtual drives you created in step 2.
Step 5:If the CD doesn't autorun, try either clicking on it through my computer, or opening the CD and running the setup program.
Step 6a:Install the software(game,application,etc). If a serial is needed look on the CDs for a serial, then online if you still can't find one.
Step 6b:For Multiple disc installations, you will need to mount the other discs as requested by the installer.
Step 7:If the application does not run for whatever reason(most likely a CD read error), then look for a crack on one of the CDs(often in a folder called 'Crack' or 'Game',etc) and copy it into the application's folder(C:\Program Files\GameName\). This should overwrite the old version of the application/game's launcher.
Step 8: Run application/game.
Hope this helps.
Get Anti-Blaxx to get around Emulation.
Sper ca te-am ajutat! Bafta!
Ms pt ca ai incercat sa ma ajuti da` am reusit sa-l mint cu SR7.Stop care l-am gasit in Anti-blax cand l-am instalat ...
un link cu el nu ai totusi? ca ma intereseaza si pe mine...btw merita matrixul?
cu anti-blaxx am reusit si eu sa joc matrix path of neo...da nu merge la toate jocurile
IRONÍE, ironii, s.f. Vorbă, frază, expresie, afirmație care conține o ușoară batjocură la adresa cuiva sau a ceva, folosind de obicei semnificații opuse sensului lor obișnuit; zeflemea, persiflare.
"The best part of falling is getting back up again." -David Belle
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