Pentru cei impatimiti de wotlk 3.3.5a va propun: STORM WOW -
Dupa mine este cel mai bun server privat de wow al momentului si pe deasupra este si romanesc!
Pentru conectare urmariti pasii de aici :
Kill rate: 20x
Quest rate: 20x
Money rate: 10x
Honor rate: 2x
Crafting rate: 2x
Gathering rate: 2x
Reputation rate: 20x
Uncommon items: 10x
Rare items: 50x
Gameplay Improvements:
1. Auction Houses in Dalaran.
2. All Auction Houses are linked together.
3. Lowered the ingame mail delivery time to 30 min.
4. A forge near the anvil in Dalaran. (Happy Blacksmithing!)
5. Permanent Darkmoon Faire NPC in Shattrath, so you can exchange decks whenever you want.
6. Transmogrifier NPC in Gadgetzan and Shattrath.
7. Removed the legendary item restriction from the Transmogrifier.
8. All fly locations are discovered and accessible.
9. Portals to Dalaran in every major city.
10. Arena teams start with a rating of 1000.
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