Welcome to Astral MU Season 9.5 Grand Opening 3 September 18:00 PM ServerTime
Astral MU Season 9.5
Server Online : 24/7
Dedicate Server : Yes
Create characters : DL - 220 , MG - 220 , RF - 250 , SUMM - 250 .
Tip for fans MagicGladiator : here you can play quietly with him .
Link Website : http://www.astralmu.com or
Forum :
Warrning :
Server is easy but at the same time and a little hard , only for real players who detested webshop and vip .
Exp : 500x
Master Exp : 100x
HP Mobs : 50%
Reset Character : 400 level , ZEN Request : 10.000.000 * (Zen Multiplied by Resets)
Keep Stats : No , 700 * RR (Bonus LevelUp Points after reset character is multiplied by resets)
GrandReset : 50 Resets / GR ZEN 1.900.000.000 (After GR all points remain to make faster first Reset then back to normal)
GrandReset Reward : 5000 FreeAddPoints + 3000 Bonus Credits
Each Reset Reward : 5 Credits
Post command cost : 500.000 ZEN
Normal / Marlon
DK : 5/6
DW : 5/6
Elf : 5/6
SUMM : 5/6
MG : 7
DL : 7
RF: 7
Events & Drop / Reward :
Arca War Battle - Ancient Items
Blood Castle - Exp x2 + wcoins + items from 1 chaos up to Gold/Silver Key , AA weapons , Muun pets / Panda and many more .
Devil Square - ZEN and Exp x2 >>>>> http://astralmu.clanz.co/topic43.html
Chaos Castle - Jewels
White Wizard - Ring
Medusa Invasion - wcoins + Items
Golden Invasion - BOK Of Kunduns1-2-3-4-5
Red Dragon Invasion
Happy Hour Event - Exp and drop x2
Santa Event - wcoins / items
Skeleton King Invasion - wcoins
Loren Deep - Exp x2
Hatchery - Exc items Season1 + S2 + (Socket LOW Rate)
Last Man Standing
Varka -
Lord Silvester - wcoins + Ancient items low drop
Castle Siege
Google :
Mega.nz :
Files.fm :
HotUpload.eu :
- New MUUN Pets
- Off trade items for wcoinc Guide HERE :
- Recconect System
- New Mini Maps (In some maps you cant see all spots , click here to check spots list) >
- Change Credits to WCoinC into website
- Wcoins points to win events
- Wcoins points to kill BOSS: Selupan, Medusa, Nightmare, Lord Silvester
- Marry system
- Mubot system (MuHelp)
- Battle ring Lorencia
- Market system website
- Vote System and get free credits
Party Exp Server x500 :
--- Normal Party --- ( Bonus XP + )
2 Characters: x75
3 Characters: x80
4 Characters: x95
5 Characters: x100
--- Bonus Party ---
Bronze Party (3 different characters classes): x90
Silver Party (4 different characters classes): x150
Gold Party (5 different characters classes): x175
/add stats (/addene, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addcmd)
/requests off/on
/prop & /teleport wife/husband (Marry System)
/setparty (set auto party accept , example /setparty 1234 , 1234 is pw auto accept
you can set what pw you want and share with your friends and tell to wisper you with pw)