:Server Informations:
[Normal/Master Level]Exp Rates : Dynamic Xp
Drop Rates : Medium
Server Currencies : Wcoins|Goblin Points|Ruuds|Zen
:Characteristic Information:
Revival Of CDL
Raven Build PvP/PvM
Characters: BK-SM-MG-DL-ELF-SUM-RF & Grow Lancer
ALL Characters Creation Level : 1 [At Start]
Max Normal Level : 400
Max Master Level : 370
Points Per Level : 10 / 12
Max Excellent Opt : 4
Socket items : Non-Excellent
Max Socket Count : 5
Max Seed Sphere Level : 5
Lucky Items : Non-Excellent
Ancient Items : Non-Excellent
380 Items : Non-Excellent
Normal BloodAngel Items : Excellent
Accient BloodAngel Items : Non-Excellent

arty Exp System:

2 players = 320%
3 players = 420%
4 players = 520%
5 players = 620%
Ultimate Pt (diffrent classes in the same pt)
3 players: 570%
4 players: 710%
5 players: 850%


/offstore - Personal store offline mode
/post <message> - can be use from lvl 1 and its cost 1,000zen
/requests <on/off> - allows you to enable/disable incoming requests(pt, trade and etc)
/setparty <password> - allows you to set pass to your pt. wishper the pass to the leader to join the pt
/addstr , /addagi , /addvit , /addene , /addcmd - allows you to add specific amount of points
/prop <PlayerName> - allows you to send a wedding proposal(can be use at devias2 near the podium)
/accept - allows you to accept wedding proposal(Homosexual wedding is not allowed)
/teleport - allows you to teleport to your spouse
/war <GuildName> - allows you to start a guild war(only for guild masters)
/endwar <OpponentGuildName> - allows you to end active guild war(only for guild masters)
/battlesoccer <GuildName> - allows you to invite guild to a soccer game at arena(only for guild masters)
/socstop - allows you to stop a soccer game(only for guild master on active soccer game)

:Wcoins|Ruuds ReSources:Random Values: Goblin Points : 100GP Every 15Minutes of GAMEPLAY

-All Golden Monsters
-Pouch of Blessings
-Ice Queen
-Death King

:Quick List of Item Farming Informations:

-Selupan Drops Random Excellent Items W/4Options
-Medusa Drops Random Excellent Items W/4Options
-CoreMagriffy Drops Random Premium Muun Pets
-Lord Silverter Drops Random Pentagrams upto 5 Slots
-Gorgon Drops Random Excellent Items W/3Options
-Ice Queen Drops Random Excellent Items W/3Options
-Balrog Drops Random Excellent Items W/3Options
-Hydra Drops Random Excellent Items W/3Options
-Death King Drops Random Excellent Items W/3Options
-Zaikan Drops Random Excellent Items W/3Options
-BC|DS Drops "Chaos Cards" Medium Drop rates
-BC Rewards Feather of Condor
-All Maps Drops "Rare Tickets From 1-11" with Low Rates
-ArchAngels Excellent Drops Random on Mobs Level 150 And Higher
-Spirit Powder Drops In Nars|Debender|Uruk
-Elemental Talisman of Luck Drops In Nars|Debender|Uruk
-Elemental Talisman of chaos Drops In Nars|Debender|Uruk
-Land of Trails Drops "Chaos Cards|Talisman Of Luck|Talisman Of Chaos Assembly" Medium rate
-Icarus Drops Feather of Condor
-380 items Drops in LaCleon|Kantru
-Socket Items Drop in LaCleon
-[Non-Ancient]Blood Angel Excellent Drop in Nars|Debender|Uruk

Season 1- Season 10 Events Works.
Castle Siege Events Every Friday at 21:00 - 23:00 UTC/GMT+8
:Chaos Machine Mix Rates:
:Jewel of soul Success rate on items with LUCK:
-Use Soul with Luck rate = 90
:Jewel of soul success rate on items with no LUCK:
-Use Soul rate = 75
:Jewel of life success rate on items with no LUCK:
-Use life Rate = 75

:Maximum combination success rate for chaos Machine Regular combination:
-Mix10Rate_Normal = 60
-Mix11Rate_Normal = 60
-Mix12Rate_Normal = 60
-Mix13Rate_Normal = 55
-Mix14Rate_Normal = 55
-Mix15Rate_Normal = 50

:Success rate to on for item with Luck:
-MixaddluckRate_normal = 30

:MAximum combination success rate for chaos machine Enhanced combination:
-Mix10Rate_Enhaced = 60
-Mix11Rate_Enhaced = 60
-Mix12Rate_Enhaced = 60
-Mix13Rate_Enhaced = 55
-Mix14Rate_Enhaced = 55
-Mix15Rate_Enhaced = 50

:Success rate to on for item with Luck:
-MixaddluckRate_Enhaced = 30

:Maximum combination success rate for chaos Machine Socket Combination:
-Mix10Rate_Socket = 40
-Mix11Rate_Socket = 40
-Mix12Rate_Socket = 40
-Mix13Rate_Socket = 35
-Mix14Rate_Socket = 35
-Mix15Rate_Socket = 30

:Success rate to on for item with Luck:
-MixaddluckRate_Socket = 30

:Maximum combination success rate for chaos Machine Pentagram combination:
-Mix10Rate_Pentagram = 40
-Mix11Rate_Pentagram = 40
-Mix12Rate_Pentagram = 40
-Mix13Rate_Pentagram = 35
-Mix14Rate_Pentagram = 35
-Mix15Rate_Pentagram = 30

:Success rate to on for item with Luck:
-MixaddluckRate_Pentagram = 30

:Maximum success rate of Devil Square invitation combination:
DQ level 1-4 rate = 80
DQ Level 5-7 rate = 70

-Feather of condor Max rate = 60
-Wing2 Mix Max Rate = 90
-Wing 2.5 Mix Max Rate = 60
-Wing 3 Mix Max Rate = 50
-Cape of Lord Mix Max Rate = 90

- Socket Weapon Mix Max Rate = 40

:Website Informations:
User Menu :
»Add Stats
»Master Level Reward lets you claim Rewards Automatically
1. 400 Level Reward : 500 WCoin
2. 150 Master Level Reward : 1000 WCoin
3. 200 Master Level Reward : 2000 WCoin
4. 330 Master Level Reward : 3000 WCoin
»Unstuck : Unstock Character
»Exc Time : Exchange Online Time to Credits
»ExChange Credits to Wcoins : Exchange Credits to Wcoins Currency value is 1-1

Refferal System : Bring players to our server and get rewarded!
How? It's quite simple, all you got to do is tell your friends, buddies, or just random people to try our server.
Mechanics :
You will receive Credits for every reffered user, when they reach 400 Level .
You need to have 400 Level required for getting reffered.
You can't play from the same PC as the player you referred.
There's no limit for the players you can refer.
The Credits(350) will be added automatically in your account and you will noticed when they reach 400 Level .

WEBSITE: http://forevermu-x.net
FORUM : http://www.forum-forevermu-x.com
SIGN UP: http://forevermu-x.net/#!register
DOWNLOAD LINKS: http://forevermu-x.net/#!downloads
FB PAGE : https://www.facebook.com/forevermuXo...?ref=bookmarks
FB MARKET : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697019837252986/