Welcome to our beloved MuFantasy 500x Server
Please provide us all your rewievs on our (FORUM)

In order to present our new Project bassed on S6E3 Classic Gameplay
Please take a moment to read the following lines.

-> Prizes for our BETA TESTERS -> (HERE)

Thank you for your time,
MU Fantasy community staff.

Our team has been around MuOnline World since 2007. We have experience as administrators but also as Players.
During this period we have seen a lot of Servers Going Up and Down as well as many players wasting time, money and friends because of servers that were not long term. That being said we can promise you the most interesting GamePlay that will get better and better in time. We plan to open many Worlds(max,mid,low,verry low, etc). Many will grow up in our servers and new generations will come, so let us give you advice.. Invest your time wisely and start building your status as player and community member TODAY in our MuFantasy Servers.

Register in our forums and help our community Grow. Download the Client and and Prepare your self.

Official Game Website
Official Game Forum Join Our Community Help US Grow!

We are using professional hosting services and we will try our best so each one of you all around the world can have the best Game-Play in our servers.

Game Server info
Exp: x500
Master Exp : 50
Drop: 50%
Max Stats: 32767
PPL: 5/7

Character Create
Summoner Create 250 Level
Rage Fighter 300 Level
Magic Gladiator 250 Level
Dark Lord 150 level

Starter Rewards
Level 40 Warrior Ring (Jewel Random)
Level 80 Warrior Ring (Level 1 wings Random)

Goblin Points will be rewarded from In-Game Events
Blood Castle: 5 goblin points
Devil Square: 5 goblin points
Chaos Castle: 5 goblin points
Crywolf: 10 goblin points
Nightmare: 10 goblin points
Illusion Temple Classic: 10 goblin points
Dopple Ganger: 5 goblin points
Imperial Fort: 5 goblin points
Online Time: 1 goblin point

In-game Commands
/add stats (/addene, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addcmd)
/requests off|on
/setparty pw (set AutoParty with password)
/prop & /teleport wife|hushand (more info: HERE)
/post command cost 100k
/pkclear in-game cost 10kk * PK Count (at website for 100kk it clears ALL PK Count)
/offtrade (more info: HERE)

Chaos Machine Rates
Item Mix to +10 = 65%
Item Mix to +11 = 60%
Item Mix to +12 = 55%
Item Mix to +13 = 50%
Item Mix to +14 = 45%
Item Mix to +15 = 40%
(Success rate to on for item with Luck add +20%)

Wings Creation Rates
3lvl Wings - 30%
2lvl Wings - 80%
Feather of Condor: 70%

Jewel Rates
Jewel of Bless No Luck : 65%
Jewel of Bless With luck : 85%
Jewel of Soul No Luck : 65%
Jewel of soul with luck : 85%

FantasyMu economy is based on Rare Jewels*
Jewels can be found as game rewards by Heart of Love/Medals & by killing random monsters

Reset System
Reset from: 400lvl (bonus + 10 Free Credits)
Reset price: 10kk * resets
Stats After Reset: *Keep
Max resets: unlimited*

Grand Reset System
GR from: 100 resets (bonus + 5000 Web Credits
Stats After Reset: Clear (5000 free points * GR + Reset * [your class] free points)
GR price: 1.9kkk
Max GR: unlimited*

Additional Info
Reconnect System(no more disconnects) !
Exchange Online Hours to Free Credits !
Referral System !
Vote Reward every 12h !
CashShop Tickets - Pets - Wings (many more)
Dynamic Exp System
OffTrade System in all maps
Golden Dragon Invasion, Red Dragon Invasion and White Wizard Event every 2 hour
WCoins© exchange rate changed to 2:1

Hunting the lovely stage Bosses + Box of kundun drops
Box Of Kundun +1 = Low Category Exc Items
Box Of Kundun +2 = Low Category Exc Items
Box Of Kundun +3 = Low Category Exc Items
Box Of Kundun +4 = Medium Category Exc Items
Box Of Kundun +4 = Rare Category Exc Items

Golden Monsters
Golden Goblin = 5 Monsters
Golden Titan = 5 Monsters
Golden Dragon = 5 Monsters
Golden Lizard = 5 Monsters
Golden Tantalos = 5 monsters

InGame Quest and Events
Imperial Fort Event
Double Goer (Doppelganger)
Castle Siege
Loren Deep
Devil Square (1-7)
Blood Castle (1-8)
Chaos Castle (1-7)
Illusion Temple Event
Swamp of Peace (Medusa)
Pouch of Blessing Invasion
Battle Soccer
Kalima (1-7) Event
Kanturu Event
LaColen Event
Exclusive Custom Last Man Stating event
Red dragon
White Wizard
Sceleton King
and more..

Occasional Events
Santa Village Event
Halloween Event
New Year Day Event

Lottery Events
Lucky Items System
Chaos Card
Moss The Gambler
and more..

Box and Special Item Events
Heart of Love
Golden and Silver Medals
Star of Sacred Rebirth
Cherry Blossom (Gold)
Sealed Silver and Sealed Golden Boxes
and more.

Party Bonus Experience Settings
NormalParty2ExpBonus = 160
NormalParty3ExpBonus = 180
NormalParty4ExpBonus = 200
NormalParty5Expbonus = 220

SetParty3ExpBonus = 230
SetParty4ExpBonus = 270
SetParty5ExpBonus = 300

Website features
Market system: (sell items for credits, wcoins, jewels, zen)
Vote reward system: (get credits by voting for us every 12 hours)
Online hours system: (get credits being online while play)
Referral system: (get credits by referring others to join game)
Zen wallet system: (transfer zen to website zen bank)
Web warehouse: (transfer items to web warehouse, unlimited space)
Change name: (change character nick name)
Hidden info: (Hide information, location from others)
Exchange wcoins: (Use wcoins to buy seal buffs, pets, more)
Clear skill tree: (clear your skill tree points placed)
Clear inventory: (clear character inventory)

For any further Questions about the server do not hesitate to leave a comment..

Intoduce In - Game Pictures / Videos.