Light MuOnline Season 6 Episode 1
-= Medium Exp Style server! This is a premium server full licensed. =-
Opening soon! Check website countdown!
Experience rate: X1000 regular and X500 master experience!
Points per level are 5 for DW, DK, ELF, SUM, 7 for DL, MG, RF, you can create all characters from 1lvl. Master-level points are 1 per level of all classes. Maximum stats: 65000
To provide the best ability to play as much as possible we have the command that can be used to gain experience and kill mobs ingame, while the game is close (player is sleeping or away from pc. Type /offlevel for that.
Wcoins: All items from the Personal Store are sold for Wcoins. Open Inventory or press I button, and open Personal Store menu, add your items and set price to them!
Happy Bonus exp hours: Mornings from 08:00-10:00,14-16,20:00-22:00,02:00-04:00 server time, each day! Bonus experience rate is 50% more during these hours!
All top bosses respawn every 2hours!
Golden invasion Every 2hours!
Grand Reset -150 resets=12.000 webshop credits
Player commands:
Party: Get more experience with bigger parties: 5Unique charcters in party (Gold party) gets the highest exp bonuss