xArena MU Online Season 3+4
[Version: 1.03k Season 3+4]
Exp: 150x Medium
Drop: 40%
-DDos- (MuGuard-BrGuard)
- Jewel Of Exellent
- Jewel Of Luck
- Jewel Of Divinity - sharpens jewelry
- Game system reset / reset
- Games Grand on website
- Offline trade for Zen, ExPoints, WCoin. / offzen, / offexpoint, / offwcoin
- Global Alert in the opening of a new store offline nickname dealer Online and coordinates
- Offline Leveling / offafk
-TvT Event
- Reduced the CPU load
- Smoothing
- 3D Camera (End - On / Off, Home - Restore)
- An hour (Delete - On / Off)
- Emulator combat mode (page down - On / Off)
- HP Bar - the band lives opponent (page up - On / Off)
- Chat separately from experience
- It Mists
- Activate the skills to siege
- Mini Card
- Dynamic system to gain experience on reset
- Customize drop Xena on the cards
- Added a reward for reset - ExPoint
- Added an option to ring in the center of Laura
- Added a PvP setting on cards
- Setting up sales of all items in the store for Zen 0
- Added Manager prices to sell things in store
- Limit the transmission Exellent options through trade, personal shop and sell in a normal shop
- Greeting Player
- Pumping master skills Offline
- Correction of visual bugs
- Complete Fix bug attack speed (Full Speed bug fixed)
- Added Avanta clicker in client [f9 for setings clicker ] [f7 attack ] [f6 attack skill characters ] [f8 off attack]
/post /addstr /addagi /addvit /addene /addcmd /pkclear /reset