24/7 online, active and helpful administration
Team is full of enthusiasm and we are ready to share it!
Server with Exclusive Season 3 Edition Server files.
Interesting gameplay with fully working events with balanced drops
Innovative project with desire to strive for the best and introduce more new features
Webpage Link
Server Information:
- Version: Season III Custom
- Experience: 500x
- Happy Hours: 1000x Drop:70%
- Item drop: 65%
- BlessBug : Off
- Points per level: 5/6
- Maximum Points: 32767
- Reset cost: 20.000.000 zen
- Max level: 400
- PK Clear cost: 250.000 Zen
- Post(/post) cost: 500.000 Zen
- Level for reset: 400
- Level for create Guild : 250
- Elf Buffer Max level: 300
- Grand Reset: 65 resets ( = 3500 Coins )
- Ancient + Excellent F.O.
Rates success:
- Jewel Of Soul success: 80&
- Jewel Of Soul success + Luck: 80%
- Jewel Of Life success: 80%
- Item +10 success: 90%
- Item +11 success: 90%
- Item +12 success: 85%
- Item +13 success: 85%
- Are used to buy anything you desire from our WebShop
- Donations to keep server up
- Grand Reset Reward
- Vote Reward
- Exchange online hours for credits
- WebShop
- Quests
- Daily Bonuses
/post -> Global message
/addstr -> Add Points to Strength
/addagi -> Add Points to Agility
/addene -> Add Points to Energy
/addcom -> Add Points to Command
/addvit -> Add Points to Vitality
/marry [name] -> for marry with another charcater
/pkclear -> Clear murderer status
/reset - Reset your character from game. 400 level required.
/request off -> Deny all requests from players.
/request on -> Allow all requests from players.
/money 999999 -> Give's zen
/clearinv -> Clears character inventory
/reset auto on & off -> Reset Auto
/readd -> Restart your Stats