O reaparitie pe sticla a vechiului thread conform caruia trebuia sa spunem cine suntem...Am scris raver si lumea nu o fost multumita cu aceasta caracterizare succinta pe care mi-am permis-o...Asadar iata ca readuc la viata vechiul thread si de asemenea aduc completarile de rigoare in ceea ce-mi priveste caracterizarea proprie si personala:
The present is gone.Fantasy is part of reality,we take the breaks off,we've thinking clearly yet not thinking at all and this feels right;we stop to control things,warm rush of chemicals through us,we're fluctuating...Is this brain damage?We forget all the pain and hurt in life,we wanna go somewhere else,we're not threaten by people anymore,all are insecurities have evaporated,we're in the clouds now,we're wide open,we're spacemen orbiting the earth and the world looks beautiful from here man!We're nimpholeptics,desiring for the unobtainable we risk sanity for moments of temporary enlightenment;so many ideas so little memory,the last thought killed by the anticipation of the next,we embrace an overwhelming feeling of love,we flow in unison,we're together...I wish this was real!We're on the universal level of togetherness and we're comfortable with everyone,we're in rhytm part of a movement,a movement to escape,we wave goodbye,ultimately we just wanna be happy...Yeah!Yeah!
That's me...dancing!