Deci, facem sau nu?
I don't give a fuck!
Deci, facem sau nu?
Colors made sounds in his mind. And he learned to play those sounds on his instrument. Green, with its infinite variations, was his most subtle harmony. The Listeners came, took him from his home to a house in a deep Deciduous Forest and listened as his music was played through perfect speakers on the roof of his house.
I'm not so good with the advice... Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
ramane cum am stabilit, evident.![]()
We have a very simple policy here: arguing with the mods is allowed, winning an argument against the mods will get you banned.
SWANS"Love will save all you people
But it will never save me "
im not a slave to a god that doesnt exist and im not a slave to a world that doesnt give a shit
ca inainte![]()
eee... cel mai vestit poll..![]()
Colors made sounds in his mind. And he learned to play those sounds on his instrument. Green, with its infinite variations, was his most subtle harmony. The Listeners came, took him from his home to a house in a deep Deciduous Forest and listened as his music was played through perfect speakers on the roof of his house.
aaa...ala mah?pai de ce nu zici asa....eee pai atunci o sa votez cu daMesaj iniţiat de wrajitorul20
"Nu putem pierde niciodata ceea ce ne-a bucurat candva...Tot ce iubim cu adevarat devine o parte din noi."
Edited by MOD - fara reclama!
asa asa![]()
Colors made sounds in his mind. And he learned to play those sounds on his instrument. Green, with its infinite variations, was his most subtle harmony. The Listeners came, took him from his home to a house in a deep Deciduous Forest and listened as his music was played through perfect speakers on the roof of his house.
I'm not so good with the advice... Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
ce poll ma?![]()
just play along ...Mesaj iniţiat de ovisebdan
I'm not so good with the advice... Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
pai bineinteles k facem...
ba nu facem...
The message above is my opinion and only mine, no influences and no official statement so if you think it's wrong, you may be right, I'm just human you know...
"Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the Universe." - Albert Einstein...
i dunno![]()
probleme ??? ce probleme ???
io nu gasii in poll-ul ala de sus obtziunea 'WTF???'
las' ca se rezolvaMesaj iniţiat de De_Grieux
bineinteles ca mai facem un poll dar dupa ce se termina asta...are durata nelimitata nu?![]()
deci,asadar si prin urmare
"dreams have only one owner at a time ,that's why dreamers are lonely"
e acum o optiune asemanatoareMesaj iniţiat de De_Grieux
The message above is my opinion and only mine, no influences and no official statement so if you think it's wrong, you may be right, I'm just human you know...
"Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the Universe." - Albert Einstein...
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