sunt alte patch-uri mai bune ?.....adik este vreo diferenta ?
eu am ->cs16patch_full_v15....
au altele ceva in plus decat asta ?![]()
sunt alte patch-uri mai bune ?.....adik este vreo diferenta ?
eu am ->cs16patch_full_v15....
au altele ceva in plus decat asta ?![]()
N-am folsit patch-uri pana acum, insa eu joc doar cateva saptamani
In legatura cu Cheating Death (tot un fel de patch/program pt. CS), care e ultima versiune ???
Fotografie si alte chestii:
u si cu aim esti noob ...Mesaj iniţiat de OfficeFbi
-- No OnE LiVeS FoReVeR !!!
Buhahah...asta fu o gluma huh ? ?Mesaj iniţiat de Scorpio[Evil_Klan]
NUMesaj iniţiat de OfficeFbi
-- No OnE LiVeS FoReVeR !!!
Ce are v22 fata de v21:
Counter Strike 1.6 Non Steam - Cumulative patch V22
Released on August 09, 2005, 3:40 pm by Radamantis.
Hosting provided by Clan PCU Argentina.
Half-Life 1: Engine
§ Servers will default to starting up using VAC2
§ Added "sv_uploadmax" cvar to limit the max size (in MB)
a client can use for a custom resource (i.e spray decals)
§ Added "-sport" command line option to allow you to specify
the VAC2 port the server should use
§ Don't allow servers to execute "alias" commands on clients
(prevents an infinite loop exploit using alias commands from servers)
§ Fixed S2C_CONNREJECT packet exploit causing the game to quit
from any currently connected game server
§ Fixed crash exploit caused by specially crafted packet triggering
a crash in the resource upload code
§ Fixed infinite loop in richtext/textentry control caused by
large sets of spaces between words wrapping around line ends
§ Fixed possible lockup when refreshing a login ticket
§ Disabled old style server queries by default.
§ Fixed menu exploit on join that spawned you into the server but
moved you around as you were in spectator mode
Cheating Death notice:
The latest version of Cheating Death (4.32.0) is compatible with this version.
Dak asta e parerea ta.....Mesaj iniţiat de Scorpio[Evil_Klan]
Ce are v23 in plus fata de v22 ?
ma ce fac patchurile astea ca yo nu inteleg ce zice bulete pe aici
eu nu am nici un patch si tot joc CS![]()
i make juice happen.
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