Care e diferenta intre black edition si cea normala?
Care e diferenta intre black edition si cea normala?
The message above is my opinion and only mine, no influences and no official statement so if you think it's wrong, you may be right, I'm just human you know...
"Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the Universe." - Albert Einstein ...
daca nu ma insel... 2 masini
te inseli
Mesaj iniţiat de Nightclaw
atunci zi tu care e diferenta ca eu am black edition si vreau sa stiu ce am in plus!
Vodafone - 0721 793 792
Cosmote - 0765 490 345
Toti Avem BEMesaj iniţiat de robocopu
pai si ce e in plus sau in minus?
nu stie nimeni?
The message above is my opinion and only mine, no influences and no official statement so if you think it's wrong, you may be right, I'm just human you know...
"Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the Universe." - Albert Einstein ...
Cateva Viniluri,cateva masini si dvd`urile aleaMesaj iniţiat de Eros
ok, de viniluri si de masini am intelesMesaj iniţiat de susp3ctu
dar ce DVD-uri?
+ mi-a zis cineva ca poate sa puna spoilere, praguri etc... nu doar body kits cum se pot pune pe vers asta de o am eu...
Stie cineva ceva de asta?
The message above is my opinion and only mine, no influences and no official statement so if you think it's wrong, you may be right, I'm just human you know...
"Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the Universe." - Albert Einstein ...
Cine Ti`a Zis Creca Vb De Underground 2 La MW Doar Body KitsMesaj iniţiat de Eros
Si DvD`urile Sunt Niste Animatii Din Joc...Ar Trebui Sa Le Ai Dak Ai BE
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