Scrieti aici care a fost seria de desene animate care v-a placut cel mai mult si vom lua in considerare urcarea lor pe tracker...deasemenea ar fi bine sa ziceti si ce aveti!
Vreau...mai exact VREM!
Saber rider, Voltron, Transformers, Biker mice from mars, He-man, She-ra, Centurions, Blackstar, Testoasele Ninja, Swat cats, Ghost rider, Batman, Batman of the future, Spiderman, Superman, Ghostbusters, Chalange of Gobots, Mighty orbots, Gargoyles, Birdman, X-men si evolution, Pinky and the brain, I am weasel, 2 stupid dogs, Michel Vaillant, Beavis and Butthead, The fish police, Tom si Jeri, Bugs Bunny, Daffy duck, Woody woodpecker, Chip si Dale, The Mask, Spawn, Blade, Double dragons, Justice league, Star wars, Atom ant, Banana man, Animaniacs, Courage - the cowardly dog, Johnny Quest, Mortal Kombat, Capitain Planet,
Si seriale "Capitain Powel and the soldiers of the future" si "Terra 2" si "The outer limits"
Eu am
Dexter's Laboratory, Pirates of the dark water si daca nu ma insel Cow and chicken