- 4,9767

Aplicatii utile pt k750/w800/v630/w810 (pack)
ok... m-am gandit sa fac si eu ceva pt utilizatorii de k750/w800 de pe forum...
knd mai gasesc aplicatii calumea mai bag...
Fone Folio is a ground breaking innovation for the next generation of cell phone use. This patent-pending technology bridges the gap between your PC and your cell phone in a unique, private and affordable way, giving you access to your own files, photos, spreadsheets, graphics and presentations.
Calculator sttintific.... e cel mai bun kre l-am vazut pt teluri cu java... are tot ce iti trebuie
simplu si sugestiv: notepad
un program de logat pe yahoo messenger, mie imi pare ff bun
Opera mini 3.1
pt citit fisiere .txt
exact exact acelasi convertor ca la k300, dar modificat pt k750
calculeaza alcoolemia din sangele tau
remote desktop...
interzice accesul la fisierele care le vrei u, punandu-le parola
acelasi lucru ca filelock, dar numai pt poze, dar fiind dedicat pt asta isi face treaba mai bine in acest domeniu
testeaza performantele telului tau
Microsoft Office Viewer...
un programel f misto cu ajutorul caruia faci muzica
dictionar englez-francez... nush cat ajuta, dar poate ii e de folos cuiva
Kompass: Primitive and effective aplication, with witch you can figure out cardinal points, it uses local time and position of sun to finding north.
Harta Iranului
Mobile network signal detector
RSS manager
Application for stop you times. StopWatch by Andreas Gustafsson. Should run on pretty much every Java enabled cellphone there is. `5` to start and stop the timer, `2` to take a split time, `8` for a lap time and `0` to reset the clock.
Virca is java aplication for access on IRC, so you can permanently chat.
Alarmclock is aplication, wich shows hours with seconds , analog or digital. Aplication have got a lot of functions like alarm clock, time of shutdown...
Battery Rebuild And Maintenance is a program for total discharge of battery. Aplication vibrates and and makes display busy. Once upon a time, battery should be totally discharged, and this aplication makes it.
Date to date e un program kre face dif dintre 2 date
Tablul periodic al elementelor
poate o sa pun si jocuri, dar jocuri cred k stiti destule...
cateva adrese folositoare pt k750:
aici gasiti arhiva cu programele enumerate mai sus
www.zedge.no descarci teme si imagini, poate fi filmulete video
http://k750i.net gasesti destule, mai ales imagini, aplicatii si teme
http://myk750.lasyk.net ca si k750i.net, dar parerea mea... e mediocru
http://eseth.net/k750/download/ cel mai bun site cu teme pt k750... parerea mea...
sper k am ajutat cu ceva forumul... o sa mai revin poate, cu jocuri si aplicatii, pana atunci, numai bine
Last edited by Moderator; 05-05-2007 at 13:23.
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