”Sport, Sănătate, Armonie” – Concurs județean pentru profesori și copii

”Sport, Sănătate, Armonie” – Concurs județean pentru profesori și copii

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Grădinița cu Program Prelungit „Căsuța cu Povești” Craiova organizează concursul județean – ”SPORT, SANATATE, ARMONIE” în cadrul Proiectului Județean cu același nume, vineri, 20 mai 2016, ora 10:00. Concursul se adresează tuturor cadrelor didactice şi copiilor din învăţământul prescolar si primar – clasa pregatitoare.


In etapa de inscrieri si-au anunțat prezența 115 preșcolari și elevi de clasa pregătitoare din 4 școli gimnaziale si 10 grădinițe din Craiova, dar și din județ. Proiectul îşi propune dezvoltarea  dorinţei de a practica sportul, astfel contribuindu-se la educarea preșcolarilor și elevilor din punct de vedere fizic, dar si psihic.


Odată cu concursul sportiv va fi inaugurat și terenul de sport multifuncțional, recent reabilitat. 


  1. #1

    When Obama announces on the 1st weekend of October 2016, „peace & safety” then „sudden destruction”. 1st Thessalonians 5:3.
    WARNING. In the 1st week of October 2016 the Rapture, World war & the start of the Biblical 7 year Tribulation will happen.

    Guido Westerwelle the now deceased former German foreign minister, is the Biblical anti-christ. Guido Westerwelle has as prophesied has passed away but will rise from the „abyss” (death) as prophesied in Revelation 13:1 & 17:8 & will become the European Union (new Roman Empire) leader.

    The 7 year Tribulation starts after the Rapture, on the day when 10 European Union ministers hand control of the European Union (new Roman Empire) to Guido Westerwelle & he signs a 7 year agreement. Not until 3 & 1/2 years later, does he claim to be god. This will happen @ the rebuilt Holy Temple in Israel after he comes back to life from a mortal head wound. Revelation 13:3. He will use his E.U military in the 1st half of the 7 year tribulation to police & enforce the will of the United Nations on the world.

    The United Nations HQ is the „whore” of Revelation. New York city is the „Babylon the Great” of Revelation. His homosexual partner Michael Mronz is the false prophet of Revelation. He will take the wealth off the rich & redistribute it out.

    When the original Greek writings of Revelation 13:18 are interpreted correctly, the number of the anti-christ is 667. The correct translation is „Here is wisdom, also he who has understanding, add this number, the beast number, for it is a man. Man is also the number and man is 666”. Beast number of 1, added to man’s number, 666 = 667.

    The Revelation chapter 6 plagues happen in 1st half of the 7 year tribulation, chapters 8 & 9 plagues happen thru out the whole 7 year tribulation & chapter 16 plagues happen in 2nd half of the 7 year tribulation. Satanic delusions & illusions will be prominent during the 7 year tribulation.

    The Lord Jesus Christ forgives & saves all truly repentant hearts that believe in him before their last breath, before & after the rapture. Those who repent & turn to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ after the rapture & pass away during the 7 year tribulation who will have eternity in heaven. Revelation 7:14.

    Repent, Believe & be Saved in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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